Volume 3 Chapter 23: Truth to lies.

Start from the beginning

Taiyang:" You know I'm proud of you Ruby, being in Beacon this early is quite a feat"

Ruby:" Thanks dad"

Ruby ran to Zwei while Taiyang kneeled down kissing the grave, putting the flowers there as they slowly release a red aura.

Taiyang:" Love you, and ill keep my promise alright?"

Soon Crows and Ravens were seen flying overhead listening over the sun as they overshadow the trees.


A week back

Roman was over your shoulder, as you walked down the route of the forest, you soon made it to a barren area where you felt... you felt... danger... It was an odd thing to do or say but you felt where the Grimm were.

Yn:" Roman, wake up"

You tapped Roman's face cheeks making him grunt, he oppend his eyes and immediately tried to attack any way possible.

Yn:" Calm down Roman calm down!"

Roman:" Get the hell away from me, you son of a bi-"

You placed your hands onto his shoulders, pinning him to the tree.

Yn:" Roman please, calm down. Or this could be the end of Neo's life"

Roman:" What?"

You look at Roman deep into his eyes, making him narrow his.

Yn:" Please Roman no more fighting, we both hate each other, or you do but I don't hate you and we both have a common goal."

Roman:" Like hell we do"

Yn:" Oh but we do Roman, where do you think Neo is?"

Roman:" She's with you isn't she, you son of a bitch"

Yn:" Roman she's kidnapped by Cinder, I don't know what they're going to do to her. I can't a single word Noah says, saying they're going to torture he-"

Roman:" What?"

Yn:" Roman god forbid what they would do to her but-"

Roman placed his hands on your face, before headbutting you.

Roman:" You believe the load of crap? God damn you're more gullible than I thought"

Yn:" What?"

Roman:" I know where she's at and she's safe and sound, how can you be so STUPID?"

Roman yelled, you on the other hand were borderline confused.

Roman:" Look kid, you seem like an awful shit of a hero. What are you going to say next? That Salem will destroy the world? I know who Salem is Kid! I of course needn't tell Neo I just didn't know how"

Roman opened his arms in laughter.

Roman:" You think I am here because I am forced? Well I am but here's the thing you little shit"

Roman kneeled down to your level with an insane look onto him, he pulled up his top hat.

Roman:" This is just who I am, and there's nothing there that you can change"

Yn dropped his mouth a bit and widened his eyes, he stared blankly onto Roman's face.

Roman:" You think that voice of yours was your hero? You think that voice inside your head was some fucking person important to you!? It was me Yn! It was me! Do you remember my semblance at all?"

You gasp before realizing what's happening... your situation... everything...

Roman:" You thought you were leading good and making progress, didn't you? NO! It all came back around for you to do zero fucking progress.  Who do you think put that virus in? It wasn't me of course so who did it?"

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