Chapter 3: Meeting the knowns

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Yn:' This is cool!'

You were atop a ship named a bullhead carrier, it was slowly flying towards Beacon Academy that was not to far off from the horizon. 

Yn:' How would this ship even float? Is it gravity dust? Or is it fueled by something else?'

Pulling up your collar, you kept thinking to yourself. But soon felt weird having clothes, it didnt really matter if you did or didnt... But to Ozpin, he wanted to cover you up as much as possible.

 But to Ozpin, he wanted to cover you up as much as possible

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Yn:' Wait I can connec to the internet now'

Pulling up a scroll, you stare at it as you chose a tab named Media. You centered your eyes around multiple articles written.

Yn:' Man wins the lottery from the Atlas bowl, Wait lottery? I should give a wing at that, woman scientist discovers how trees were grown back in the days of Grimm, wait for what? Wouldn't.. Hold on'

Clicking on the article; a point of interest was given, 'the tree in the days of the past held almost magical healing properties, healing any mortal wound to even growing back a limb. It is started to be believes this fruit helped advance the creation of Aura.'

Yn:' What... thats actually prety amazing, those would go crazy high ammounts of money. But they dont exist anymore do they...'

'The tree would grow near severely low bodies of water, if it found itself near a high body of water it would move. Yes the tree would move, moving its roots ever so slightly and move to a more desirable location.' You were surprised and impressed, but continuing on.

Yn:' Prosecutors show voluminous evidence of racism by Kuroyumi murderers. Thats enough for today.'

You looked around the bullhead carier, seeing if you could recognise anyone. And of course you did; seeing a woman stand 5'8, golden hair blooming amongst the sun; Yang Xiao Long. Next to her the girl you met before, the Name  Ruby Rose.

Yn:' God this feels weird-'

Not long later, you see a man waltz around.Seeming pale at most, it didnt seem that he could even walk properly. Already knowing the boy, Jaune Arc. But felt a bit worried since... he did actually look very sick.

Yn:" Are you okay? You seem just a tad sick"

He nodded, swallong something which... grossed you a bit. But doing it before, you helped Jaune stabilize himself.

Jaune:" Yes, yes sorry- I just have a severe ammount of- motion sickness you know?"

Yn:" I understand, what's your name?"

Jaune:" Jaunes my name, my mom always said it was a nice name, yours?"

Yn:" Its Yn, Yn Ln"

Jaune:" Well anyways thanks, if we are saying last names then Jaune Arc is mine"

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