Chapter 10: Jaunes will to strength.

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Weiss:" What is it you need?"

Yn:" I'm here to give you something you lost"

Weiss:" What could I possibly have lost that you could have retrieved?"

Yn:" I have gone through a good bit, as you can tell from my armor, but I was able to get you this"

Taking the cloths wrapped around something off, you reveal the Rapier that Weiss has lost, her eyes widened as she reaches for it.

Weiss:" Is that, actually..."

Yn:" I was able to find it after searching deep into the forest, and help from the cameras"

Weiss took her weapon and shakily placed it onto her bed, she clears her throat before walking up to you.

Weiss:" I- seem to be mistaken, once again thank you, not only did you help me to know one of my future team members, and help me retrieve my weapon"

Yn:" It was no effort"

Weiss:" So- what do you need as a reward?"

Yn:" Reward?"

Weiss:" You dragged me out of my dorm outside, and gave me my weapon, what is  it you may need?"

Yn:" I just – thought of being nice, you know?"

Weiss:" Yeah... nice"

Weiss said, nodding, you nod as well.

Yn:" Well anyway, that's it, I will go sleep"

You heard a small alert on your scroll, taking it out you looked up, confusing Weiss.

Yn:' What!?'

An elective for martial law office has been found dead today. He has been decapitated and police are looking for the suspect from the street incident involving cutting open the vehicle.

Yn:' Shit, it looks as if this character is more trouble than I thought it would be.'

Weiss:" What is happening?"

You showed Weiss the article, making her eyes widen as a result.

Yn:" Looks like this man is at work.


A month later, you pull Jaune away from the halls and onto the side.

Yn:" How's it been doing with your training"

Jaune:" Wai- what? Training?"

Yn:" Yes training, how has it been going?"

Jaune:" Well, it's been going well-"

Yn:" Hey, just to know, what do you train?"

Jaune:" W-well, I am forced to sit in a quiet room to think about myself, increasing my souls' quantity? I don't really get it... but after that I spar with Pyrrha up on the rooftops"

Yn:" Are they teaching you how to use your sword?"

Jaune:" Pyrrha said im not advanced enough to learn how to-"

Yn:" That is something im going to have to disagree with there, you are going to form a way of using your sword with Pyrrha, and it could get sloppy and to you that will become muscle memory."

Jaune:" Then what do I do?"

Yn:" Have you ever played video games, Jaune?"

Jaune:" Yes?"

Yn:" What class do you wanna be?"


Yn:" Once again, im going to ask, are you sure? Once you pick the class, there is no going back"

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