Chapter 4: Entering the forest

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Umm- what? I am 3 chapters in and- H U H, okay okay, this is not a lot of pressure. Im kidding, I'm happy this has 100 reads. This means people invest in some elongated stories sometimes and not complete stories with 24 minutes of writing. SO thank you for reading this! Im subtracting  67 words from this don't worry so I still have that 1800 wordmark.

Yn:' And its morning, seems early morning.'

You pull out your scroll and see the time is 5: 47, an hour early to be awake.

Yn:' I guess I should pass the time'

You check on the news outlet to see them updated. 'Mistral has a burning fire going on in the capital city. There seemed to be suspects who caused the forest fire but the local authorities, firemen, and hunters concluded it was just a random forest fire caused by nature, they say they will put it out by the next weak which is a great thing for those who live here.

Yn:' That's good, don't want them to have a fire nation attack, why am I making jokes to myself...'

'Local teacher in Vacuo was fired after making a statement that all Faunas should get killed and was pushed out of the safety of the school and was found dead early this morning'

Yn:' Jesus fucking christ

'Jacques Schnee is now in the Atlas courtroom settling a case of him being sued 2.4 million liens from a fox Faunas, all we know is that it's not pretty in there and is at the edge of losing those 2.4 million.

Yn:' Im glad he's getting sued, seems like he won't get that back for at least 2 months

Checking back on the time it was 6:01 and a student was on his scroll having headphones on, you look at them and smile at what they're watching, a little cartoon.

Yn:' Oh how wonderful the world can be

You stood up and walked to the door where there was a poster hanging saying 'Recruits if you please, you may go to the gym or the locker room to prepare yourself for the exam'

Yn:' I'll just go to the locker rooms... don't wanna wake anyone up and it's quiet and lonely there'

Yn:" I love it when I'm alone in a nice quiet room"

You spoke aloud and see the locker numbers.

Yn:" Doesn't Jaune lose his weapon?"

You decided to sit down to try and remember the number Jaunes locker was, but sadly couldn't remember so you sadly decided to check 3 lockers before you found Jaunes

Yn:" Lucky"

Hehe 420

Yn:" Oh! 636!" 

You looked around and saw that Jaune placed his weapon on locker 363... Come on Jaune... be a bit smart... You put his weapon on his desired locker. Sitting back down you looked at your sleeveless huntsman outfit and sighed.

Yn:" Maybe I can pull off the mechanical body" 

Taking off your clothes you see every spec of detail on the body, frowning a bit when you see a slight scratch on your arm.

Yn:' Seems like only the paint job got damaged...'

You stayed in the locker room till someone walked in at 6:23, they had red hair and golden armor to them once they got out of the changing stalls. You kept looking down with your clothes. Covering your face from them seeing your straight unprecedented face seeming to not change one bit.

Yn:" So you're finally awake Jaune"

You said looking up and seeing Jaune yawning a bit, he had bags under his eyes as he rubbed them.

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