Chapter 20 (continuation of mini Story)

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Infinite's POV

The only thought that runs through my head as i fall asleep Why is this low-life helping me?
After i wake up... i feel Stiff... pushing myself up, i see this 'Breeze' still asleep. I take a moment, before standing up, biting back a yelp when it almost feels like my legs try to collapse me onto the ground. My ears are ringing slightly. I glare at the hedgehog, realising i have Claws. Should i go for her life... even though the doctor lost the war? I take a sharp intake of breath, before deciding to go through with it, walking over to her, dropping down and hold the sharp parts of my claws to her throat, which apparently wakes her up

"Wow" she speaks, "so... this is the thanks i get for saving your life, hm?" i snarl,

"I didn't need your Help!" setting my glare at her.

"Really? You were on Death's door back there. You wouldn't be ALIVE" i tighten my grip. Stop. i Didn't Need. your Help. just. Shut up. "Just let me go and we can talk about this, yeah? I hear you were Good at that when you were all powerful" i feel my fur stand on end, but i clench my hand into a fist, giving a small cut but i reluctantly back off. I watch as she sits up, touches a glove to her neck to feel the damage, and shakes her head.

"Thanks" i hear a Glow of sarcasm in her voice, which makes me bare my teeth, "i'll have to ask for a little healing myself..." i notice a small pond, and make my way to it, sitting beside the water's surface. Looking at the water, i notice my reflection, and notice my mask is cracked. I would take it off to fix it, but not with the low life here... that other one... is also debatable. I raise a hand, running a finger along the crack. Eesh...

"Lost in thought over there?" i bare my teeth at her voice, but don't reply. Thankfully she goes quiet, and it stays like that for a while, until i hear the flapping of wings approaching. I glance up, seeing the bat that has the healing powers flying to land nearby.

"Hey Aubryn, i need a bit of healing myself" i roll my eyes, i didn't scratch That bad. The bat's quiet for a second, before chuckling.

"Well... i did say that he couldn't fight Me" she walks over to the hedgehog, removing the cut, before walking over to me, sitting beside the water as well. "You like this place, too?" hm... could be better. I turn my head away, hearing a light chuckle, before the stinging in my legs begins to fade and i glance over, seeing that she just went straight back to healing my wounds. I Hate relying on other Mobians. Hearing more approaching footsteps, i keep my eyes on the water, seeing the Hedgehog's reflection. Her manner strongly resembles Sonic... and i hate it... with a Burning passion. I turn my head, making the other mobain squeak, since i notice my mask nearly hits her face. Hm... whatever. The bat sighs, and sits back

"Well. you're fully healed. You're welcome" i blink, seeing that the bat gets up and goes a distance away, before flying up into a tree, hiding among the leaves. I think... ugh. You leave me with this Sonic-like Low-life? I roll my eyes, glaring down at the ground. Am i still able to use the Phantom Ruby? I place my hand where the jewel is on my chest. No power is coming from it. Ugh... now its just a useless rock! Why'd that stupid Doctor Lose?! Now i'm Powerless! I punch the ground in frustration. Why did the plan have to fail?! How did that stupid wolf find a prototype?! I growl, before getting up and walking away, pulling myself up onto a tree branch, with a little bit of challenge, since i'm so used to using the Phantom Ruby, which makes my anger flare higher. How is it Powerless?! I grumble under my breath as the low life approaches again. Ugh... leave me alone already!!! I should have killed you when i had the chance...

"You ok, up there?" she asks, and i narrow my eyes, before turning my head. Her concern is Scoff worthy. I don't need her pity... I don't need anything from her! She continues to stand there , just looking up at me... leave. me. Alone. I raise an arm, knocking off a stick that by a squeak of alarm hits her in the head... trees are actually Useful?! i feel my face shift in a slight smirk. If you continue to pester me, i will find different ways to attack! That's gotta make her leave me alone.

"Fine, grumpy" she then walks away, letting me smile slightly, happy that i got what i wanted, and lean my head on the trunk of the tree, crossing my arms. I let out a breath, and turn my head to look away from the little peaceful area... it looks like an abandoned town... did the doctor and i do this? I glance back to the others, seeing that the bat's sitting and talking with the low-life. So i turn away from them, removing my mask, turning it so i can analyse the crack. I don't... really have the materials to repair it... and i can't use the Phantom Ruby to make it easier for myself. So i put it back on, and stare at the town. If we did, how did we not notice the green land beside it, and the pond that sat in the middle? How? Maybe it was those useless robots that destroyed this place...

"I see you're looking at the surroundings" i dart my gaze to the bat who stands under the tree, though her gaze is set on the town i'd been looking at. "You see why i hid from the war? It was stupid. And i'm sure you have your reasons to agree with me" i blink a couple times, before she walks off, to sit next to the water, lowering a hand into the water... weirdo... but i Guess she has a point... I just find it stupid that the plan didn't work. I fight a scoff, before closing my eyes, flicking my ears, a sense of calm filling my chest. There's a light breeze rustling the branches, it's... actually... Surprisingly better than the environment that i was in fighting alongside the Doctor... interesting...

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