Chapter 16

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Nightly's POV

I'm... i'm surprised. I did Not expect that, but i cheer with the rest of the resistance, looking to Shadow, seeing a light smirk on his face, and i run over, tackling him in a hug, which I can hear Rouge chuckling quietly at.

"Impossible! I thought all the prototypes were destroyed!" I look over at Violet, whose weakened body is being held in Sonic's arms... d'aw. Tails flies over to defend Violet

"A costly oversight, Doctor. That's why i always check and double check as any good scientist would" i glance back to Knuckles, letting go of Shadow

"This is the turning point, guys! Time to press our advantage and kick major butt!" the army cheers, and i smile, letting out a light laugh, as the group continues on our mission, and i hurry over to Sonic who has Violet literally in his arms still

"Are you finally making moves to win someone's heart?" i ask, making his cheeks turn pink

"Nightly!" he protests, and i laugh, giving him a big smile, before running off,

Sonic's POV

Giving Violet to one of the resistance members to look after, I run off, in an attempt to confront Infinite and end this war once and for all! As I dash into enemies, I hear my radio beep, with Tails on the other end.

"That must have used up a ton of energy. The Phantom Ruby should be weaker now! This is our only chance to defeat Infinite!" We can't let that chance go to waste!

"All Ships provide backup to Sonic and the others! Draw the enemy's attention and shield them from damage!" Thanks Knuckles! I appreciate the help!

"All hands, maintain altitude and assemble a tight formation. Sonic's team is our last hope. We have to protect them!" I hear one of the soldiers bark from my radio. To think that everyone is going to great lengths to stop this war. Well, why wouldn't they? If we lose, then it's over for the resistance! We can't afford to lose to Eggface- and I'm sounding like Nightly...

"A huge enemy force is closing fast! We're falling under attack!" I hear another one of our soldiers add. Oh boy...

"Keep an eye on them! Don't let them get near! Every second we can buy for Sonic counts!" The higher up soldier commands through the radio. I continue to bash through enemies, making my way to the base of the tower.

"Ship 3 took a direct hit to the bridge. They're falling back! Ship 7 has been crippled by heavy fire!" Oh no! I continue running as I listen to the radio chatter.

"Evacuate the flagship! All hands abandon ship! Sorry Sonic. We've done all we can. Good luck out there!" I smile and reply,

"You did plenty already! Leave the rest to us!" I turn my radio off as I approach the base of the tower, seeing that Infinite is waiting there for me. I feel a smirk forming on my face. Let's duel this out!

"Pathetic little hedgehog. Even with the Phantom Ruby weakened, I still have enough power to smash you into blue jelly. I'll show you how outclassed you really are!" I roll my eyes at Infinite's comment.

"I'm in a class all my own. Time to put-up or shut up, Infinite!" I point at him before jumping into the fight. He flies and we appear to be on this large platform. This feels similar to that fight with Metal. I glare up at Infinite as he looks down on me.

"What would you like your epitaph to read? How about 'Here lies the blue buffoon'?" I bare my teeth and smile.

"Why not 'Here dozes the masked clown'? Might as well make it for the person who needs one, right?" As soon as I make it close enough, I spindash the freak and make a few hits before he flies away. I continue to run after him, noticing that the Ruby on his chest is starting to glow. Oh no!

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