Chapter 8

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Nightly's POV

"Eggman said when the plan is completed, we'll all be wiped out!" Welcome back, Tails, I guess? I walk into the room i hear the discussion happening in

"I don't like the sound of that. Normally I'd just laugh at an Eggman plan, but he's already conquered most of the world so... what's this plan of his?" Knuckles asks Tails, but before the duel-tailed fox is able to reply, Vector buzzes in

"Hey, I hate to butt in on your important meeting, but we're under attack! Shadow is tearing through our troops! We need reinforcements" I feel my arms go slack. Shadow... they have to be lying... right?

"Shadow... the last time I saw him, he was fighting for Eggma-" Sonic cuts himself off, seeing me. I blink, before shutting my eyes and shaking my head. No. he can't be working for the enemy. He would never.

"That doesn't make sense" i agree with you there, Knuckles "why would Shadow help the enemy?"

"Perhaps he's being controlled by that strange power" or an illusion, like that not-Metal i stumbled on. PLEASE let it be that case.

"Whatever it is, i'll figure it ou-"

"And i'm coming too" i finally found my voice, stepping forwards. Sonic meets my gaze, and he almost looks pitying

"Are you sure? What if it really IS Shad-"

"it isn't. And I have a reason to believe that. Let's go." we then leave to go to the location Vector claims to have seen Shadow.

Once we get to approximate location, we're just destroying badniks left and right as Vector's voice plays from my band

"What the heck?! A whole Army of Death Egg Robots?!"

"Oh no! There's so many of them!!!" Charmy cries

"Hurry, Guys!" we're working on it, Silver "we can keep them in check, but not for long!" I get it, I get it. And I'm sure Sonic gets it too.

"It'll work! Nightly and I'll find Shadow and be back in no time!" exactly! I just hope that it is that red cube stuff again. After a while of running, I'm still impressed that I can keep up with him. Guess all those races when younger really paid off, haha!

"This many Death Egg Robots? Come on, Seriously?!" Knuckles whines, which just about makes me snicker, but I keep up my pace, Sonic and I have Things to do, stop Talking to us, unless it's important!

"I'm not one to complain, but that's a lot, right?" no. it's a very small amount, Vector. "Way more than we can reasonably take on" we need more Sonics- oh wait, we have Classic! We DO have another Sonic

"Listen up!" Amy comes through clear "Shadow has been sighted! Apparently he's travelling above the city at high speed!" oh boy... please be cubes please be cubes please be cubes... Sonic glances at me, and after clearing the badniks in this area, we stop for a bit.

"You doing alright, i know how hard this can be to hear from the others" i scoff, narrowing my eyes

"I don't. Believe it." he raises an eyebrow, before bursting out laughing

"I should've expected that answer. Let's go find him, and possibly hand his butt to him" he smiles reassuringly, pumping a fist, making me smile slightly as well, before breaking into a run, running ahead of him, making him yell in protest, and i soon see him EASILY catch up... aw. I grab a badnik part, throwing it in the optics of the next one, before Sonic kicks it into the wall, destroying it. I laugh, continuing on.

"The last sighting was just up ahead! Be careful, guys!" Amy informs us, and in a couple moments I catch sight of the black hedgehog standing in the middle of a street... it doesn't feel right. This feels like not-Metal...

"Alright, Shadow! What's the deal?" the Shadow we see in front of us doesn't speak, looking over in our direction, and charges us. I step back, preparing to push into a run for wherever i go, my heart is beating out of my chest. Sonic has raised his hands to block the hit from hitting his face as this one leaps, preparing to hit him, when a familiar voice proclaims just about the same level of familiar words

"Chaos Control!" i blink, seeing the Shadow that was about to attack Sonic Freezes, and another Shadow comes in, roundhouse Kicks the frozen one away, causing it to tumble back up the street,

"Another Shadow?!" the other one fades away, the reverse of how not-Metal appeared before "he just... disappeared" i step forwards, eyes now focussed back on the Shadow that appeared here. He meets my gaze, and gives a tiny little nod, before looking to Sonic

"That was a fake" I KNEW IT!

"A Fake? How?" Sonic is too confused, but I know what he means. not-Metal really WAS a fake. I run up to Shadow, burying my face in his shoulder as I hug him.

"I Knew you weren't against us" i breathe out, and i soon feel his arms around me as well. Take that, Violet and Silver. I SAID he wasn't on Eggface's side.

"Uhhh... let's go back to base, and you can explain on the way back"

"No. I'm not going with" my hug tightens a bit. Don't leave again "i can discuss things with you all through Nightly's band" oh that makes sense. Sonic is silent for a bit

"Alright, whatever" he chuckles "see you later" he runs off, back to HQ, and i let go of Shadow, smiling at him

"I Knew you weren't with Eggman" he meets my gaze, touching his forehead to mine for a split second

"I wouldn't go against you" his voice is quiet, but just loud enough for me to hear his words clear as day. He then pulls me to go somewhere safe, and we touch down, letting me turn on my band to let the others discuss things. "Infinite can create virtual reality projections. They have mass and form, but no heart and soul" Shadow explains, making Sonic groan the other end

"Virtual reality? So all those familiar faces that were a part of Eggman's army..."

"Replicas. The problem is, they may not be real, but their powers are as formidable as the originals. According to Rouge, Infinite can create unlimited numbers of them." i drop my gaze to the side, frowning in thought. So Added to the robots, we have to worry about Copy opponents. At least this is an original plan from Eggman for once. Usually it's just a large robot that he has to hope defeats him... and technically us all.

"So, fight after fight, he can just keep cranking up counterfeits?" Sonic concludes, his voice upset.

"Exactly. As it stands, there's no way we can win this" i look up at Shadow, raising an eyebrow, smiling slightly

"How incredibly pessimistic of you"

"Of Course we can win this! We always do!" Sonic exclaims right after my small comment. I smile when Shadow meets my eyes again "we just haven't figured that part out, yet!" i chuckle,

"It's almost hard to believe you grew up with Him. of all Mobians" Shadow comments with a sarcastic tone, making Sonic protest on the other end. I laugh,

"I know right?"

"Nightly, you're a bully. Also are you going to return to HQ?" Sonic asks, which i flick an ear

"Hm... i'm going to stay with Shadow for a day, at Least, so if there's something important, contact me" i say, before tapping the band, hanging up, and making me giggle, collapsing into Shadow's chest, hugging him again.

"I have to wonder what happened to make you this clingy" i glance up when he mentions that

"Everyone kept saying that you were there when Sonic was taken down. It's just therapeutic to be close to you now," I answered, knowing that answer was good enough for him, as we now stay in quiet.

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