Chapter 2

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Few months later, in another universe

Stitch's POV

    I feel the fresh breeze along my back. Oh! Flying through the skies is such a way to relax your nerves. If only everyone else that doesn't have flight abilities could try this out! But oh well, I'm different for a reason! Looking around the blue hue of the sky, I just feel so free! The weight of the world can't keep me from enjoying moments like these where I am so carefree! I glance down to the earth, seeing all the cities and towns below me. Hmm... I better find a place where I can land without being seen by anyone down there. All of a sudden, I felt a pulse. I stop my flight and hover in the air, glancing around. What was that?

"Well.. that was strange.." I rub my temple, recalling what just happened. What was that even?! It felt like... I was being pulled somewhere... hm... I continued to fly till I found a place to land on the ground and hide my wings. I pull out my phone. Maybe Rin could help me? Heck! Anyone that has some knowledge of portals can help me explain what just happened.

"Hi" a young voice who I didn't expect to hear catches me off guard. I turn my head to face who greeted me. The teen creator that made Rin stands with a quiet smile on her face. Ah. Vanilla. "How are you, Stitch?" her head tilts slightly, her hazel eyes catching the light, allowing glimmers of green to shine. I sigh with relief.

"Hey, Vanilla. Let me guess, you heard my thoughts?" I ask, a joking sarcasm tone dripping slightly from my voice. She looks a tad bit offended for a second, before she shakes her head

"I just Noticed you in the mist i was watching and decided to say hi" she huffs "i don't listen to other's creations's thoughts" huh. So does that mean- "No. I don't use it often. Only in situations that the Creation needs help" she seems to be growing annoyed, but lets out a quick breath, before crossing her arms. "You haven't answered my own question." Can you decide whether you're going to be condescending, kind, or offended? Make up your mind... wait which question. Oh! Right...

"I've been good. Felt something weird earlier... but good." I shrug, but she probably will ask about it anyway. She gives me a slightly confused look. "I don't know how to explain what happened earlier, but all I know right now is that it felt like a pulse of power. Know what I mean?" she takes a second, and i notice the golden tip of her cat tail flicking in thought.

"Yes. i do know what you mean." she smiles, "but~ i can't tell you what it was" come on. You're a creator, why can't you share a little. She giggles quietly "i never said i can't tell you which Universe it came from" Well... it's better than nothing. I nod.

"Ok. Which universe? Who knows? I could run into some trouble and have fun with it!" I joke. She smiles

"Sonic" is all she says, before she waves her tail, and walks away, the unnatural traits fading into the air before she portals herself away. I tilt my head in confusion. Sonic? Is that supposed to be a person? Or place? I shake my head. I look back at my phone before putting it back in my pocket. I'm just given a name... I can work with this. I close my eyes, take a breath and open a portal, only focusing on 'Sonic'. I open my eyes to see the portal and I put my hand through, before walking in entirely. And I'm greeted by a trip over some loose rocks and I end up falling down a large hill! Great... What a wonderful first impression... Suddenly I feel my head hit against something hard, and everything fades to black.

A while passes... my head Hurts...

"Oh! You're awake!" a soft voice squeaks, and i groan, blinking open my eyes, seeing fabric held up by a... pole, i see in the corner of my vision. A Tent... how'd I get in a tent? I push myself up, feeling stiff "I'm sorry I can't get rid of Stiffness" the voice speaks again, and i look to see who it is. She looks like... a humanoid bat? I rub my head

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