Chapter 18

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Nightly's POV

We split up, and I'm sticking with the shorter Sonic. I think they called him Classic? Either way, Sonic at this size is cute.

"So. Are you ready for this?" I ask, seeing him look up at me, and he gives a thumbs up and a smile. I smile back, flinching and almost stumbling over when the surface we're on begins shaking. I notice Classic point at my tails, and mimics a whirling shape with his hand "No, I can't fly with my tails like Tails can. Might be able to slow falling... if i tried hard enough" i chuckle, before glancing to the Giant Death Egg robot. No... that name has got to go... however and whatever, it's still ugly. Hmm... how about... The Egg Naga. Yeah... that fits it WAYYYYY better. The others are fighting it, and the platform shakes again. Woah! Ok... we definitely need to stop this machine... and Soon. The radio then beeps.

"He's overclocking the Phantom Ruby! That's insane!" Tails yelps. Egghead's already insane, bud.

"No regular tool can damage it now. You're our last chance!" Rouge tells us, and I'm nearly confused. If tools can't, how would we expect a rolly Hedgehog and a couple of buddies be able to? Ah whatever.

"Give it your all, Sonic! You'll always be our shining hope!" yes Tails. That's... usual. Suddenly, the Egg Naga shoots a bunch of weird balls at us! I brace for impact but nothing happens. I look and see Classic just hit the ball right back! Huh... Well that's perfect! We continue to dodge the lasers shot at us and wait till Eggface throws more of those balls at us. Classic is a bit too far, so I spin around, feeling the impact of the ball hitting my tail, and then go flying... I glance back at the bot, seeing it missed hitting it, but I snicker nonetheless

"Didn't know I could do that" I say with a chuckle, seeing a smile form on Classic's face. My tails are going to be sore after this... But hey! It's for the greater good of all mobians! So it's gonna be worth it!... hopefully. I notice Classic bounce another ball back, and I chuckle, before ducking to dodge another laser. Chill with the lasers! For like, a Minute! Gosh...

In a minute, we've broken the shield on the bot, and I kneel down, bumping Classic's fist with my own.

"Great job, Classic" i say, and he smiles, before we look in the direction of the others. The bot fell to Stitch and Violet. Good luck you guys.

Stitch's POV

The giant monstrosity of a robot falls in front of me and Violet. This thing is so much bigger up close... My thoughts are then interrupted by Violet's radio.

"Go on, you two! I know you can do it!" Huh! I'd never expect encouragement from Vector! Another voice then buzzes through.

"Our fate is in your hands." Silver adds, making me feel more nervous. Violet takes notice and places her hand on my shoulder.

"It's going to be fine! Now let's do our part in ending this war!" I nod just as one of the claws from the robot makes an attempt to crush us. In instinct, I open a portal and take Violet through it, and open another one away from the hand.

The other hand shoots down at me, and I flinch, before scrambling back, the air swift and it almost knocks me over. Oh heck. Definitely do not want to be squished! I hiss at the robot. Staring it down, I hear clunking. Looking where the source is, Violet is firing her Wispon at the hand. That's gonna cause some serious damage!!! Running over, I hear Violet's muttering... huh... The robot then removes its hand and proceeds to fire rockets at us. Hmph! I smirk, opening portals to catch the rockets, and opening more at the head of the robot. Each one landing a hit. Violet stares at the bot in shock, her jaw on the floor.

"Well... that's one way to destroy an oversized tin can!" Violet admits, getting her wispon out again. I smile, looking back up at the bot. The smell of smoke fills my nostrils. Perfect! That bot won't last much longer!

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