Andy couldn't tell his true feelings. She needed to keep this to herself.

Andy: No. There's no one else... Look Jack, you're an amazing guy and you deserve to be with someone who loves you back. I tried and I really wish it worked, but I'm not that person.

Andy couldn't say anything else. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the room.

Despite feeling sad, she was also relieved that she was able to be honest with Jack. She knew she would never have Robert in her life again, but she was better off trying to forget him alone than making Jack suffer.

It had been 15 days since the last moments Andy and Robert were together. Since then neither of them had any news about the other.

On this day, Andy was on a call that required going down a mountain to rescue the victim and soon after, she would need to climb up. Of course Andy remembered what she had trained in New York. Not the training that was offered by the corporation, but the teachings that Robert gave her to make a tighter and safer knot.

Andy tied the knot as Robert had taught her. She came down the mountain and offered first aid to the victim. He was a young man of approximately 25 years. He had drunk too much, lost his balance and ended up rolling down the ravine.

Andy fixed it to the board and gave the command for Dean and Ben to start pulling it. As soon as he reached the surface, Andy received the warning that he could return as the patient was safe.

Andy went upstairs quickly so they could transport the patient to the hospital.

After returning to the station, Andy spent the rest of the day thinking about Robert. More and more she devoted her free time to thinking about him. It was something she couldn't control.

That night, when she was in her room, Andy couldn't sleep. Her desire to talk to Robert was even greater. So, for the first time, she mustered up the courage to seek him out.


Hi Robert, good night! It's me, Andy. Sorry about the time... so late. I'm sending this message to thank you for teaching me that tighter knot for climbing. Today I had to go down a mountain and I felt safer applying your teachings.

It didn't take a minute for Robert to answer her. She could never have imagined it, but he couldn't sleep either, because he was thinking about her.


Hi Andy, Good night! Thanks for telling me about it. I am glad that, having shared some of my experience with you, you have worked in a safer way.


I think you keep taking care of me, even from a distance.

Andy typed what she had thought and it wasn't until she hit the ENTER key that she realized what she'd said. Robert on the other hand liked what he read. There was smile on his face as he typed a reply.


I will always be ready to take care of you.


I'm sorry for what I wrote. I'm embarrassed.


Hey! There's no reason to be ashamed. I liked what I read. It's good to know that. I'm glad to know that even far away, you feel like I'm still taking care of you.

They continued talking for a few more minutes and then said goodbye. Both fell asleep happy for that conversation.

From one night to life Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora