xxix. reunion in the throne room

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The two walked again through the palace, a hushed conversation between them, this time accompanied by a golden guard, who was a few feet ahead

"It's not my fault you're paranoid" she said with a huff

"You made it seem like you were smuggling me out of the dungeons" he retorted in disbelief, causing an amused smile to show on the woman's face

"Sorry, my prince, next time you find yourself imprisoned, i'll make sure to let you know all the conditions of your liberation beforehand" she teased, her coy grin present as ever

As soon as the big tree came into view, and with it, the bench in which a blonde woman was sitting, awaiting, that smug look was gone

That didn't go unnoticed by the god of mischief, though his understanding for the fallen face was, well, nerves

"You've got nothing to fear, dove, she'll love you" he said, rubbing his thumb over the hand he had yet to let go of, not that neither of them wanted him to

"Yeah, i guess" she muttered, not being able to tear her face away from the back of the queen of Asgard

One moment she was standing far away from the woman, the next, she and the prince were directly behind her, Loki clearing his throat to get her attention

"Loki!" she exclaimed the second she saw him, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tightly, opening her eyes while doing that and catching sight of a girl who she'd thought she'd never see again

Cora's eyes widened like saucers at the realisation that Frigga recognized her, quickly shaking her head mouthing no and please don't over and over, until the queen reluctantly nodded against her son's shoulder

When the mother and the son broke their almost tearful embrace, they both turned to Cora who was just standing, waiting to be introduced, while simultaneously trying to slow down her racing pulse, if it wasn't her that was going through that immense panic, she qould have laughed at how awkward and stiff she looked

"And who might this be? I reckon we were not introduced when I met your team, I would've remembered her face, certainly" the older queen questioned with a sly smile tugging at her lips. Heavens, how Cora had missed that voice, how she wished she could just run into Frigga's arms and tell her all about the life she'd missed

"You did not, mother, this is Cora Francis, the lady i talked to you about" Loki explained, grabbing Cora's hand with a smile, and tugging lightly at her so she wouldn't stand behind him but at his side. She did so, while trying to control the blush at the revelation of Loki telling his mother about her, then falling into a short but efficient curtsy when she stood in front of the queen

Frigga's smile only seemed to get brighter, it made much more sense now why Loki never mentioned a name whenever they talked, Cora must have enchanted him, as she had been taught, to keep herself away from others' memories. To say the Allmother was proud, would be an understatement

"Well, then i believe it is only fair that i get the chance to get to know her as i did with the rest, isn't it son?" moving slightly closer to them, her welcoming smile never faltering

"Mother, i believe we're in a bit of a rush to get back home" the prince argued politely, Cora and Frigga sharing the same fond smile at his use of the word 'home'

Cora surprised herself though, when she shook her head, disagreeing with the prince

"Loki, please, the queen is requesting i meet with her privately, who am i to refuse? It'd be my absolute honour, your majesty" she said, directing herself to both the prince and then the queen. Sure, was she dreading the possible outcomes of a conversation? Absolutely. But she also kept in mind that this was now inevitable, and it could be worse if she tried to escape it. And more importantly, she couldn't help but let her emotions get the better of her, she had missed her

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