xv. she (slightly) opens up

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"My friends, we are back!" Yelled the god of thunder stepping out of the elevator and into the living room with Cora besides him

"Yeah, point break, we are not blind nor deaf" said Tony without taking his eyes off the TV

"I am kinda deaf, actually" argued Clint pointing to his hearing aid, he too, like everyone else, without breaking his eyes from the screen

"Anyway, what were you guys doing- oh" Steve interrupted himself once he finally looked up at the two figures in the doorway, looking like shit.

The way the captain abruptly ended his question and kept quiet caused the rest of the lounging heroes to turn their heads up, in search of the two extraterrestrial best friends

"I had a mission, I told Fury 'hey man, let me bring goldilocks, he's great'... if I don't get fired it will all be thanks to my cute ass, this man went in without gathering any sort of information and just started sending lightning towards the scientists we had to bring in" explained Cora grumpily, making her way towards Tony's bar in search of Thor's flask and taking a long swig when she finally found it.

"I take it as a win" shrugged a disheveled Thor

"Of course you do. I'm officially done with asgardians" declared an equally muddy and bloody, if not more, Cora

"Ouch" said the god of mischief taking his nose out of his book

"You don't count" dismissed the woman making her way towards her own seat, which was perfectly placed to the left of where the brooding prince was reading

Loki furrowed his brows in confusion, he didn't know whether he should take it as a compliment from Cora, saying that he was an exception to her newly announced asgardian hate, or if she was indirectly telling him she knew he was not fully asgardian

"Your thoughts are awfully loud, your majesty" hummed Cora taking out from under her cushion the book she was currently reading

"So you do know then" stated the god, no one was paying attention to them anymore, too preoccupied with their own things

"I know everything Lokes, don't worry I won't tell anyone you are part asgardian part Elsa smurf" joked Cora, slightly easing the fear the prince had about people knowing his true heritage, but forcing him to scowl at her choice of words

"You should take it as a compliment, I always had a thing for the queen of arendelle, the way she built that castle like it was nothing? Real power" Cora told Loki with a flirtatious and teasing tone that did nothing but bring a hint of a blush on the man's cheeks, one she didn't catch since she still had her eyes fixed on her book

"I relate so much to Elsa" said the scarlet witch loudly, having apparently heard a bit of the bookworms conversation

"Merida all the way" argued Clint

"The kids showed me Brave, they were vikings, no choice but to stan" agreed Thor who had been hanging out too much with the twins and Peter

"Cinderella" said Bucky

"Snow White" followed Steve

"Huh, blondie likes the black haired princess and black hair likes the blondie princess, how very revealing, right?" Cora said absentmindedly to the god of thunder, who was now seating in the sofa to her right, earning a few chuckles from the two asgard's princes

"I like Tiana, she's literally me" said Tony

"You're a whitey who got his company from his daddy, are you fucking kidding me?" Asked the metal armed soldier in disbelief

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