xvii. a valhallan contract

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Upon seeing such a familiar face, so out of its familiar surroundings, she gulped down her nerves before greeting the woman her sister had supposedly given her life for

"Hey, Brunnhilde, long time no see"

The brunette ran towards Cora and took her in her arms, the woman was astounded at the display of affection coming from the warrior

"If you are here to kill me as revenge for Sigrún I understand, but I will put a bit of resistance" joked the valkyrie with a hint of seriousness and fear when they broke the hug, Cora just shook her head and smiled brightly

"Today is the 1000th anniversary... Well, at least I think it's still the same day, time here is weird" she trailed off in thought before continuing. "Anyway I visited the other girls for the first time this year, I didn't see you, then they told me you were still alive, so I came here" justified the queen shrugging

"Well, you found me, now what? And please make it quick because I just practically kidnapped a god for pissing me off and I left him at my apartment" Brunnhilde had always been blunt, she was still sweet and a good person, but let's just say, if she invited you over for dinner and you overstayed her welcome, she would have no problem in plainly stating so and showing you to the door.

"A god? The thunder one?" She asked, half hoping it wasn't him, since she had just sent the Hulk to find him, and half praying it was, because if it wasn't Thor, then it was probably Loki.

"No, i'm actually helping him find their way out of here, but his brother, Lackey I think, pissed me off, so i'm keeping him restrained while blondie finds their ship" explained the woman, who by now had made her way towards a bottle of alcohol and downed it

Cora only started feeling the dread of being there now, Thor may let her off the hook, but Loki will remember that Cora said she would be gone for a longer time, she also said she was going 'home', the whole 'her being in Sakaar' would bring so many questions, and if anyone would ask them would be the god of mischief

"I want you to go back to Asgard, I know you're trapped here, I can bring you back home" said Cora the woman's first question, causing her to choke on her almost finished bottle

"I'm not going back to that golden realm, I'm not fighting Odin's fights again, look how it ended" answered Brunnhilde, her eyebrows still furrowed in confusion at the woman's sudden request

"You think I don't fucking know how it ended?" she started exasperatedly, then took a deep breath and carried on "Look, you can do whatever you like when we're out, wherever you like to as well, but, I suggest you go back, tell Odin you're under my wing and working under my jurisdiction, he can't drag my soldiers to the battlefield without Valhalla giving him the green light" bargained Cora, truly hopeful that the valkyrie would accept

"Cool" she said and without any other words she turned around and walked out of the room, now in the hallway she realized Cora hadn't followed her, "Are you coming? I have two gods and a green champion to help!" She called loudly, making Cora grimace at the thought of it, either way she caught up to her and they started walking

"Look, I know those guys, or gods, okay? And they have no idea what I am, and I intend on keeping it that way, so please, please, please refer to me as Cora Francis, you can tell them we met through mutual friends and I came here because my daughter needed something from Sakaar and I ran into you and tagged along" Cora practically begged her friend to get behind that story, thankfully she nodded in agreement, impressed by Cora's ability to make up lies in the moment

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