xi. phones, gods and titans

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Cora knocked on the cottage's door, if she squinted her eyes towards her right she could make out the angelic gates in the distance.

The door opened to reveal a beautiful girl, light green eyes, pale complexion, blonde and long soft curls that fell on her shoulder, two or three inches shorter than the sorceress but still with a powerful and serene energy surrounding her.

"Got tired of the earthlings already?" Asked the woman playfully, moving outside to talk with Cora by the benches she had on the garden.

"No, Len, actually the opposite, and i've come bearing gifts" She said handing the girl the photo album and a high-tech phone

Lenora put the contraption on the side while she went through the pictures the woman in front of her had brought her

"Oooh, who's that? he's cute!" She said pointing at a picture of Peter doing an overdramatic hero pose on his suit with Cora doing the same on her armour

"Wow, you clearly have an issue, always Odin's kids" Lenora said looking at the multiple pictures of the god and the woman together

"I knew you were going to say something like that" Cora quipped with an eye roll "And before you ask, no, I don't have any interest in pursuing a relationship with the god of thunder, thank you very much" Added the woman before the other could open her mouth

"Whatever you say, your majesty" Said Lenora earning a light shove on the shoulder

She kept looking through the pictures, occasionally making some snarky comment, when she was done, she moved on to pick the phone, eyeing it like it was a devil's piece of hardware

"I had Stark make it, it's a thing you can use to communicate with other people, they call it phone or mobile" Cora explained

"Well, it's cute and all, but I don't see what use it could have here, don't this things require satellite signal?" Lenora asked and the other arched her eyebrow as if asking 'and since when do you know that?' to which the girl just shrugged "I've been reading"

"Okay, yeah, you're right, but, it's specially designed to function outside of Earth's atmosphere"

"And how the hell did you manage to get him to do that without sounding suspicious?" Asked the blonde girl


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three weeks before

The team was around doing their own thing, some were traning, others were in their rooms, others lounging in the common room, which was the case for Cora, Wanda, Sam and Tony.

Cora was sulking silently in her chair, the other three were chatting about a mission they had had the day before, Tony glanced at her and gestured for the other two to look at the gloomy woman as well, silently asking them what was up with her

"She misses Thor" stated the scarlet witch

"Of course I do, I miss my partner in crime" confirmed the woman lifting her head from her hands to face the three avengers

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