xii. not such a trusting god

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Cora didn't see anyone when she got back from dealing with the titan and Surtur, which was understandable seeing as it was almost 5am, she had been projecting for more than 12 hours, and needless to say, she was as hungry as a bilgesnipe. Thus why she made her way to the kitchen, too lazy to walk she just straight up teleported to the fridge.

"NORNS!" Sounded a terrifed shriek from the kitchen island behind Cora

"What are you doing up, horns?" There in one of the stools facing her was the god of mischief sipping on a cup of tea (that he had almost spilled on himself when the woman magically appeared)

Ignoring her question, he retaliated with one of his own "You have asgardian magic?"

She just furrowed her eyebrows, stared at him for a couple more seconds then turned around to the fridge to carry on with what she had initially gone down to

"Also, why is it that my oaf of a brother always finds himself unable to talk about you, even though you're his 'bestie'. as he so eloquently puts it? And why can't I see your face, or anything about you when I look into his mind?" he continued

"Better yet, why do you get into your brother's head? Not very polite, have you heard about the term 'privacy'?" hummed Cora still with her back to the annoying god

"Says the one who put a spell on him" huffed the prince, taking Cora slightly by surprise, though she figured that a magic user such as himself would be able to find the traces of magic in his brother's mind if he looked hard enough, which apparently he really did

"You don't know what you're talking about, Lackey" says the woman, now audibly annoyed

"It's Loki" said the god with equal annoyance "And for the record, I don't trust you, especially around Thor"

"Good, I wasn't expecting 'trusting' to be a prominet character trait of the god of lies" said Cora with an eye roll

"What is it that you're hiding, you quim?" Loki had now left his stool and had started walking towards the woman, who, even if she had her back turned to him, could sense him closer

"Don't test me, greaseball"

Loki kept moving until he was right behind her "I bet you're not even from this wretched planet" Cora didn't flinch from the hiss nor the sudden hot breath hitting the back of her neck

"Who are you, Cora Francis?" when he asked this he tried to grab her upper arm, in a swift move the angry woman had him pressed against the nearest wall with the same arm he had tried to touch her with, twisted behind his back

She didn't say anything else, Loki struggled against hher grip for a minute before she vanished from thin air, leaving the asgardian prince with a sore right arm, rage and just hint of admiration

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The next morning she went back to the kitchen, completely unlike last night, she found everyone but Loki there, so she put on her typical playful smile

"Good morning, Sabrina" cooed the billionaire, soon followed by the other heroes' greetings

"Hey doll, we saved you some pancakes over there" said Bucky pointing to the counter next to the stove where, sure enough, two plates with stacks of the delicious food waited to be taken, "Oh, yeah, one of them is for Loki, he hasn't shown up yet, so..." added Steve when he saw her glancin at the second plate confusedly

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