xxii. the sex talk

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This earned a mix of different reactions.

The team was torned between being confused by the supposed 'sister' they had heard nothing about, and being excited because they had been invited to Asgard. Loki was shell shocked, not quite knowing how to react upon hearing that the older sister he'd never met, was coming back. And, finally, Cora had a wide smile that was wiped the moment she heard the last part of Thor's announcement

She immediately fished out her phone, hiding back inside of the jet - which they were still standing outside of - for more privacy. The second she turned it on she was met by different people sending practically the same message

It wasn't my idea

-Your super good friend Heimdall

It wasn't my idea, promise

-Your best friend in the whole universe

Don't believe them, it was their idea 100%

-Your daughter and the reason for your happiness

So, the best thing she could think of doing, was calling Hela

"Is Lenora staying in Asgard?" she asked the second the call connected

"I'm fine, thanks for asking, yes, I met my brother, it was okay, I was so nervous, ugh, i'm so happy you called so I can talk to you about it" came the response of her best friend, and both of them could practically hear each other's eyes rolling

"Is Lenora with you?" she repeated, more firmly this time

"Yeah, she's staying with us, do you want to sp-"

"Both of you go to the gates, right now, or I swear to my dead mother i won't bring you the poptarts you liked next time I see you" after her threat she only heard shuffling, until a minute later the voice of her friend came in

"My queen, to what do I owe the pleasure?" the gatekeeper asked nervously, obviously knowing what he 'owed the pleasure' to

"I trust i'm on speaker phone right now, so, who the HELL suggested that Odin should invite the whole team to the ball? Because I kid you not i'm one step away from having a fucking Queen of Hearts arc moment" she sighed, causing her daughter to repress a laugh

"It wasn't me, scout's honour"

"You aren't a scout, Lenora"

"Stop bullying my daughter and answer" Cora demanded as the other three went on a rant arguing why Lenora was or wasn't a scout

"It was Heimdall" chorused the two women on the other line of the phone

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" she screamed

"YOU DESERVED IT!" retorted the man in an uncharacteristic loud voice

"WHAT?" was all Cora could ask in her confusion and


"I feel like this has turned into a personal conversation, i'm uncomfortable, aunt Hela" the princess mumbled, to which the goddess hummed, munching on a sandwich she had conjured up sometime during the phone call

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