v. letters, questions and friends

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It was the big moving day, a week had passed since that exciting trip to Russia and the equally thrilling conversation that took place in that shawarma place.

Cora had taken the week to play pranks on every soul in the sactum in Bleecker street, to make sure they don't forget her. She also spent those days with Strange and Wong, however, half the time the two didn't pay much attention as they were busy perfecting the letter they would send the Avengers about what to expect from the woman they were welcoming into their home.

When she arrived she directly materialised in the middle of the lounge causing the god of thunder, who was the only one currently in the common area, summon his hammer and point at her with it in a threatening manner

"By Odin's beard, lady Cora, you frightened me half to death, my apologies" Said the blonde man after realizing who was in front of him and putting down Mjolnir

Cora ignored the title and laughed lightly, not that anyone else needed to know but that hammer would do nothing more than give her a slight headache if it hit her, as long as she didn't stop it before that. She was worthy, she knew, she'd checked when it was made.

"No worries, prince Thor" She said with a wink, if he was going to use titles, she would as well "Actually, you're just the man i needed to talk with" She said walking towards a chair by the corner of the room, it looked pretty 'un-used' in comparison with the rest of the chairs and sofas, so she decided to claim it as hers.

The god, who was sitting on one of the big couches placed to her right, gestured for her to carry on

"I wanted to know if you tend to talk to your family about the Avengers and its members" Asked the closetted deity as casually as possible

Thor looked at her questioningly but nodded in response. With that, Cora's hands shone with tiny specks of lilac dust that were sent towards the god's temples. His eyes briefly changed from their natural blue to a deep and glowing purple, in a second they went back to normal as if nothing had happened.

Now, I know, looks pretty sketchy, but this was something that needed to be done, the why she did it is too complicated, but explaining the 'what she did' was easier

The simple spell is meant to keep her name away from the royal family, Thor would be literally incapable of uttering a word about Cora if her name or identity could be decoded from whatever he told them. Sure, he could talk to his parents about the new addition to the team, but he wouldn't be able to say anything about her, such as appearance, powers, and most importantly, her name. On top of that, the little spell would make the man forget the last couple of seconds...

"Yes, lady Cora, what was it you needed to ask me?" Asked the asgardian prince, as if nothing had happened, which to him hadn't

"I was wondering if you could show me my room, prince Thor" Cora told him with a friendly smile

"Ah, I see what you're doing..." For a moment the woman panicked 'Did i mess up the spell? That's never happened before-' Her thoughts were interrupted as the god continued on voicing his accusations "You're using my title because I use a title with you, well played, I'll stop if you stop" Bargained the blue-eyed towering man with an amiable smile

"I accept your offer, Thor" Said a relieved Cora and shook hands with the brawny god to seal the deal. She then noticed that the place had cameras everywhere so she discreetly sent a wisp of magic towards it, if anyone were to watch the security tapes now they would only see Cora and Thor chatting with no weird lilac sparks in between them.

MAGIC AND CROWNS ; lokiWhere stories live. Discover now