Chapter 31

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~Luca POV~

There was one reason I avoided this marriage in the first place. Nina Vitielli.

I knew then what was good for me, just like I do now - and she was the opposite.

A marriage with her would be disaster. She drove me insane before, now imagine how I'd be with her around me 24/7. Distracting me from my work, being lusted by other men and making my life revolve around her. She'd fucking destroy me.

And I couldn't get out - neither of us could. Divorce wasn't an option for anyone, no matter how powerful or rich they could be. Death was the only way out.

I was going to kill Elmo for this. He knew the contract stated she'd have to marry one of us and he ran like a coward.

That wasn't the only reason I wanted to rip his throat out. The bastard didn't deserve her tears. He didn't deserve any of her, and seeing her crying only made me see murder. Made my finger twitch.

I didn't know if she had any feelings for him but she said it herself, she wanted Elmo. Nothing had ever fuelled so much anger in me. So much hate, and for my own brother too.

After the reception, me and Nina were alone for the first time as a couple as we made our way to the bedroom. As soon as she entered, she laid on the bed with her gown on and closed her eyes.

The sight made me uncomfortable. I thought women couldn't sleep before removing their makeup and clothes.

Fighting the urge to find a pack of makeup wipes was hard, and eventually I gave in. Her wipes were in the top pocket of her suitcase.

I headed towards her and pulled one out, dropping on my haunches beside her. didn't know how to do this shit, I just started rubbing it on her skin and it worked.

Her soft eyes opened. Nina seemed so innocent sometimes, nothing like what people said about her, and fuck if that didn't make my blood cool with satisfaction.

The layers on her face were endless. When I was sure I took everything off-



She blinked dramatically. I hesitated before peeling her fake eyelashes off, revealing her real ones beneath. Her hair was still pulled up and had white pearls in it, so I plucked the pins out and ran my fingers through her silky locks.

"Where are your clothes?"

She pointed at her suitcase. Dazed eyes. Bare face. She was so fucking pretty. I tried not to stare at her while pulling off her dress.

Smooth, olive skin. A thin waist. My pulse shot high when she was left in nothing but her bra and underwear. I looked away and ran a hand over my face. All I could hear was the sound of her breathing as she slept.

Here I was undressing her, and she just fell asleep. How much did she have to trust me to do that?

I pulled on her pyjamas and covered her with the blanket, and when I was about to force myself up, I stilled.

I couldn't fight the urge to move a loose strand of hair from her face. I hated her for this. I hated her for doing to me what no one else could and now she was my wife...I was living in my own personal hell.

Submitting to my desires sounded tempting, but I got the feeling that just giving in to Nina Vitielli would make this more complicated.

I was greedy and impatient. If I gave in, nothing could stop me from taking more. Letting out a deep breath, I returned to my side of the bed, slid under the covers and stayed on my side.


~Nina POV~

Warmth. Musky scent. Heavy breathing. I rolled over onto my side and pulled the covers over my head. The sun was pouring in through the net curtains and was a nuisance, especially for my splitting headache.

A comforting heat reached my body from the distance. It was only when I recognised a masculine scent had I realised where I was. My eyelids flickered open.

Luciano was asleep on his back. I didn't get much time to look at him though before he moved onto his stomach and opened his eyes.

"Ugh. You're still alive?" I asked, sitting up and grabbing my head.

"Could ask you the same thing." He grumbled, closing his eyes again. His arms were around his pillow and his back was fully exposed, muscled and smooth. My mouth went dry at just the sight.

Was it weird of me to wish I had an ugly husband?

At least then I wouldn't be fighting a constant war with myself. But no, he just had to be good looking.

I fought my flickering pulse and slipped out of bed.

When I started to brush my teeth I left the bathroom door open. I had to keep going in and out to grab my toiletries from my suitcase, which I was glad I had.

All Luciano had was his toothbrush, a bar of face soap and a body wash. Not a single cherry scented product in sight.

My rigorous tooth-brushing slowed when he walked into the bathroom. His bare bodice made my heart jump but I rolled my eyes just to camouflage it.

He turned the shower on and when he revealed whatever was left to reveal, I closed my eyes and froze mid-brush.

"Uhhh whatever happened to decorum?"

"Che cosa, you never seen a man before?"

"Of course I have. I've seen lots." I lied, and put my toothbrush away. I was visibly flushed.

In the bedroom I was laying on the bed playing my favourite game before he walked in, dressed in a blue button up shirt and black pants.

I tried not to look his way as he combed his hair in the mirror, but I couldn't help it. Those broad shoulders were demanding my attention.

He met my eyes in the mirror and I didn't even try to look away this time. My body was burning in areas I never knew existed. I could feel my heartbeats clash as long as I was under his gaze. 

"We've got a flight in 2 hours, you better be dressed by then."

I took a deep breath to hide my shaky voice.
"Please, I can get ready in 5 minutes."

Maybe that was an exaggeration.

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