Chapter 17

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What. I blinked at his question - but it wasn't really a question. Luciano never asked, he demanded an answer. And I was going to give it.

The air was too warm as I walked around. "Lets see." A soft lock of hair twirled around my finger, my eyes mischievous. "The usual. Between me and you, he paid me in earrings for a hook up in the bathroom."

My finger tapped my gold earrings, but he wasn't amused. He was more serious, tense than usual,
so I continued.

His body stiffened when I strolled closer towards him and held his tie in my hand. "You know Luciano, I'm kinda uncomfortable talking about this stuff with you considering you're my future brother in law. I think you should turn your attention elsewhere, like onto finding wife. My offer still stands you know, I can help you find a wife."


Bitter with my own words, I tried taking his bottle expecting him to give it, but he wouldn't. Our eyes locked.

"I'm not getting married Nina." He told me once again, this time harsher. Rougher. Like he didn't want to hear about marriage ever again.

In the silence, of music coming from inside and the light whoosh of air being so high up, we stare at one another. The unsettled, irritated edge in his eyes only made me more curious to know what it was, but before I could ask, he held my chin.

Rough pads of his fingers tilted my head up, and he pushed the bottle to my lips, tipping cold liquid into my mouth.

The lemon-like flavours danced on my tongue. I swallowed, and he moved the same bottle to his mouth.

When I thought he'd drop his hand, I felt a thumb brush over my lower lip. My breath caught in my lungs. Dense. Heavy. I slowly Inhaled, only taking in a whiff of his masculine scent.

"He's bad news." Was all he said, and it took me a moment to realise who he wad talking about.

Oh, Alejandro? Really, he was bad new? As if Luciano wasn't one of the most feared men in the country. The one thing closest to the don.

I fought the urge to speak, enjoying the feeling of his thumb on my lip too much. My mind had grown hazy, drunk on the feeling and I didn't hate how foreign the feeling was. I hated who was causing it.

But then, came an order that made me widen my eyes.

"Stay away from him." He said lowly. Sharply, like I was obliged to obey.


His eyes narrowed, and when his hand slid to my nape, I released a breath with a shudder. "We won't deal with rumours and scandals." He pulled me closer to him by the neck, until the heat from his breath stroked my ear. "If you involved with any other man before marriage, I swear to God you'll regret it."

A violent shiver erupted at the base of my spine. These words were too sure, too vehement and too true. But no, he couldn't be saying the truth. He was a known liar. Untrusted.

He released my neck, my skin burning so much I fought the urge to jump into the pool. His back was already facing me when I snapped. "Son of a bitch- you can't order me around!"

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