Ch-36 Hidden motive

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"Do you know who send me this audio?" He asked. I know whose name he is going to speak now but I am just wishing it's not him. I trusted him. He can't break my trust.

I didn't said anything, I was looking at him and waiting for him continue because this is what else I can do right now.

"Your lover boy, Agastya." He said and walk at my left side while his hands was still inside his pocket."You are lying, he can't do this." I snap at him. "Sara I used to think that you are a smart girl. I thought by now you will understand everything but.... Looks like you got trap by him."

"But don't worry. You'll believe me when you will know about his demand in return of this audio." He slowly whisper in my ear. "Very soon he will come to you and will say that he got selected in Under-19 team." He said and soon he smirk.

"But there is a twist in the story..... He will further speak, Neil couldn't. Damn, I have to say he is really a clever boy. Well played with the help of sister,he destroyed brother's career." He said.

Did he really gave that audio to him? He really broke my trust? It's all my fault I should have not trusted him.

I knew that from the beginning, he is not trust worthy. I knew from the beginning,nobody is going to protect me. Then why the hell did I trust him.

Why the hell I thought that he will protect me in his embrace. I should have not thought that.

"He also told me that you are investigating about me." He further added. So he also told this to me. "If you wanted to know about me. You could have come to me directly. Nobody knew me better than myself."

"What do you want?" I asked. I know he wanted something that's why he is telling me all these things to me and not to my mom. He don't do anything without any purpose.

"I guess, clever Sara is back." He chuckle which made me roll my eyes. I have to handle this situation by myself now. Nobody is going to come and save. Before he could continue, my rang in my pocket.

"It must be him. Answer it." He order. "Don't order me." I glare at him and he dramatically raised his hands in surrender. After ignoring him, I took out my phone from my pocket.

Agastya calling, my phone flashed.

I don't want to talk to him after knowing all these things but I can't even trust this bastard's word blindly. I might sound stupid here but I still have hope that he is lying about Agastya. And I wish my hope turn into truth.

With the same hope in my heart, I answer his call. "Hello Sara, guess what I great news I have for you." He chipper excitedly, and with that all my hope vanished.

"What?" I asked even after knowing what he is going to speak next. "I got selected in Under-19 team." He almost screamed happily from other side of the phone.

"And Neil?" I asked which cause  silence on the other side. "Huh.. He couldn't... But they said he will definitely get selected next.... " Before he could say anything further I disconnected the call. He really did that. He really betrayed me.

Come on Sara what else did you expect from him. He joined you in her own sister's breakup just because you lure him with vice captaincy of the college team.

So it's not a big deal for him to join Prashant for selection in Under-19 team. After all you are nothing to him.

"So we were discussing about what I want." He bring me back to the reality. I sigh and waited for him to continue. I need lots of patience right now because I know he is going to utter nonsense which will make me angry but I have to be in my senses and think wisely otherwise things can go even worse.

"So first thing I want is, you have to assist my secretary for today." He stated which made me confused. What is he upto? "And second?" I ask. "And second, I want you to apologize to me for whatever you did to me."

Such an asshole. "Third?" I ask again. "Nothing, just do these two things for today." He said and I slowly nodded. "If I'll do these two tasks. Will you not tell anyone about this audio?" I ask.

"Hmm... I'll think about it." He said while leaning his back on table. "So you'll think about it?" I asked and he nodded. "Fine." I said.

"You'll do it?" He asked while standing straight and this time not leaning on table. I could see excitement in his eyes. He is excited to listen apology from me. "No, I am saying you don't have to think about it because I am not going to do anything. You can tell whoever you wanted tell. Go ahead." I said.

I noticed all his excited flew away somewhere very far away after hearing me. "You are doing a very big stupidity, you know that right?" He said. I can tell by his expressions, he is very frustrated by my reply.

"I am very well aware what I am doing." I snap at him. He thought he got this audio that means he will win over me. Nah! I will never let that happen. I know it even after I did he said today, he will not stop there, he will continue to blackmail me.

And one day when he will be bored of this, he will tell everyone about this. So why not now? Atleast I will not have to do all these things which he is asking me to do. I am sure there is some hidden motive of him.

"Sara don't do this. You are making a big mistake." He almost pleaded to me. I never thought table can turn so fast. Just a minute ago he was enjoying all of this and look at him now.

"You just do what you want to but don't tell me what I have to do." By saying that I left his room. I heard some noise as I left. He must have broke something in frustration and anger. Good for him. He should also know how it feels when someone distrub your mental peace.

Preview:- I am not going anywhere before you tell me what happened.

Hello everyone, hope you like the chapter.

Prashant knew about everything now, even the investigation. What do you guys about what will happen next?

Did Sara took a right step?

Will Sara face Agastya Or she is going to ignore him? Let me know what you think.

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