Ch-28 Such a Dumbass

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"How did you and Yashvi ended up here?" Sara asked while standing in front of her room door. She was about to enter but turn to ask me this. "Neil bring us here.... Actually he was asking only Yashvi to come here but I tagged along with them. You know, I can't let her go alone with Neil." I said and she simply nodded.

"What's wrong?" I asked when I noticed her, in some deep thoughts. She look at me and blink her eyes before speaking something. "Nothing... Good night."

"Good night." I nodded and move to first floor where I have my room alloted. She move to her. "Hey boy, come here." Look at the direction, and notice Aryan calling me with scowl on his face and his tone was not friendly either. He know my name still dare to call me boy. Just wait and watch.

I ignore and continue walking towards my room while my hands in my pocket. "Hello I am calling you. Where are you going?" I heard him saying from behind in same rude tone. "Fine.. Agastya." He said before he huffed. I look at him this time with a smirk. "Yes boy?" I said and he rolled his eyes.

He tried to act cool in front of me. He don't have any idea that I am practicing savage replies with Sara from our childhood. Sometimes she won, sometimes I am on the winning side and sometimes we both ended up insulting each other equally. I walk to him. "I saw you and Sara outside. You like her?" He asked while me confused. "Excuse me?" I frown at him. "I asked you a very simple question. Do you like Sara?" He asked again.

"I think it's none of your business, if I like her or not." I snapped at him. Dude! What's this guy? "Of course it's my business because I love her. So you better stay away from my girl." He said while putting more stress on 'my girl' and patted my shoulder. My fist automatically turned into a ball while digging nails in my palm when he said he love Sara and call her, his girl. Only I know how hard it's for me to control, myself to knock him down with my punch. If he will utter anything about Sara this time, I might loose my control.

"It's your problem if you love her, not mine or Sara. So if we both want to talk to each other, hang out together then nobody can stop us from doing that. So you better stop poking your nose in between me and Sara." I snapped.

"One more thing, don't you dare to call Sara, your girl again. Otherwise I will be not as calm as I am right now." I said while patting on his shoulder and the pat was not a friendly pat but a warning one. "She will never choose you over me." He snap this time. "Let her decide that." By saying that I left him there alone.

I reached inside my room and close the door behind me while lingering one thing in my mind. Why I reacted like that? It was none of my business, if he like, love or whatever to Sara. I have no right to get angry when he called Sara, his girl but even that thought making me angry again. Maybe because we shared a kiss? But that kiss was just a dare, that is what she said before kissing me.

And why he thought I like Sara? I don't like her and she don't like me too. Then why the hell I reacted like that? God dammit!!! This is making me insane.


Next morning

After getting ready, I move down stairs. I stopped at my tracks when I heard someone called me. "Wait" I look to the direction of voice and I saw Anny coming towards me from the kitchen. Did Aryan told her about our conversation to Anny? No he don't have balls to tell his mother about it. I am sure Anny will not like it.

"Agastya right?" She asked while standing in front of me and I nodded slowly. "Can you do me a favour? Please ask Sara to wake up. So that she can have her breakfast with everyone." She said.

"Sure" I said. "Thank you" She smile at me and I return the favor. After that I move towards Sara's room. I found someone is already there inside with her, as I reached outside her room. I heard a voice of Sara's step father's voice coming inside her. "How are you champ?" He asked and I peek inside the room, found Sara sitting on her bed with a disgusting frown while looking at Prashant uncle.


"Stop calling me that and tell me what do you want? Why are you here?" I snap while glaring at him. That bastard move towards the side table which is placed next to bed.

He pick up my phone and put back at its place before looking at its lock screen. Such a Dumbass. As he did that, I chuckle while at his stupidity. "I never knew, you are that scared of my words that I will find proof against you." I said.

"You thought I always keep recording on of my phone?" I asked while keeping an expressions of 'how dumb you are.' I know, he will be very pissed off with that. "Who knows, after what you did yesterday. I am sure you can do this too." He said while folding his arms to his chest. "What are you talking about?" I ask while raising her eyebrows.

"Come on Sara. Stop your acting now, I know you were perfectly fine yesterday. It was just a part of your act. So that you can put your mom in guilt for slapping you. I must say you succeeded in your plan, nice move." He said while making a disgusting face again to him.

"There is a saying 'a bad man thinks that every person around him is also bad like him." I snapped at him.

"If you play such cheap tricks, that doesn't mean I also do the same.... It was your idea to bring Yashvi and Agastya here, isn't it?" I added. "What do you think?" He asked while smirking proudly as if he won something.

"Of course, it's your idea because nobody is as coward and pathetic as you are. Just because grandma could not say anything to you, in front of Yashvi and Agastya. You called them here." I said while my eyes at him. "Sara, you remember? When last time you called me pathetic, you got a slap. It was your left cheek, right?" He said while pointing towards my cheek. "Does it still hurt you there?" This time he pointed towards my heart. "It must be heart breaking for you that Divya, who is your mom also, slapped you because of me." He added.

He is very good at increasing my pain by making my wounds more deep. I hate him so much. "Prashant?" When we heard that voice, I saw all the colours of the person who is standing across me, faded in mini seconds. His smirk gone flew away somewhere very far. I look at my mom standing at the door of the room. Now this is going to be interesting.

Preview:- Sara will not go anywhere.

Hello everyone, what do you think Sara's mom heard there conversation? Tell me about your thoughts. Hope you like it.

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