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Soha was right, Maya was kidnapped by that bastard.

It was around half past three when I and Soha rescued her from him.

Right now it's six in the morning, sleep never greeted me after the incident. I sent him back to his room, and decided to stay with Maya till morning.

Any improvement?
6:12 a.m.

No idea, since then she is asleep
6:30 a.m.

Oh, did you sleep?
6:35 a.m.

Do you think?
6:36 a.m.

Honestly no. 😂
6:39 a.m.

6:45 a.m.

I switched off my phone and turned to her, her face held nothing but peace. I can really stare at her face for the rest of my life.

" Oh really? Well don't forget to invite me. " I chuckled.

" Aren't you going too far mister? We are just friends. " I said.

Maya whispered turning to me and threw her arms around my waist.

Author's POV

Vikram froze, he didn't move a muscle bit. This wasn't the first time of them like this, yet it flustered him.

The actions were same, the feelings weren't. 

" I-I want to live. Don't kill me! " Maya sobbed clutching his shirt tight. Vikram snapped back to reality. He softly ran fingers through her hair. " Mahi, You are alive. You are living. " Vikram whispered in a cotton soft voice.

Maya's violent sobs turned silent within few minutes, he smiled. " She's imagining herself as Mahi, that's the reason she feels everything that Mahi felt. " Vikram shook his head in agreement.


 I can feel myself lit up, flames around me. This is not what it was supposed to be. I-I want to live. I want to live with my Rishi, just like every else wife does with her husband.

Feeling the heat rising in my body, I sobbed, " I-I want to live. Don't kill me. " 

Rishi- he is with me, He said I'm alive. I am.

Suddenly I felt myself choking, I jolted up.

Author's POV

She looked around frantically, she relaxed when her eyes landed on his peaceful sleeping face. 

It was 8 by now, she smiled faintly and got up kissing his forehead as he squirmed in his sleep.

" Are you out of your mind? Why are you helping him? "

" I'm not ma, he needs me. "

" You are risking your life for no reason. He'll kill you if he comes to know that you are back stabbing him. Sameer is a devil. "

" I understand. And i know what I'm doing. Please.. "

" Okay fine, if you say so. Promise me that you'll be back safely but. "

" Yes, I promise you that I'll come back safely. "

" Can I hang up, everyone will come now? "

" Yeah, have a nice day beta. "

" Did you find out something more? " Vikram nudged him.

" Ari and her information is on her way. " Soha said.

" Ari? She knows? " Vikram looked at him.

Soha flashed him a 'duh' look, " Of course, she stays in Jaipur too. "

" Fine. " Vikram rolled his eyes sitting back on his chair and munching on his chips.

┗━━━━•❅•°•❈ - •°•❅•━━━━┛

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.
Well I believe if there is no rage, no horror. Karma is a bitch, it comes back the path it goes.  Any thoughts about Sameer?

Radhe Radhe ❤

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