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song: ari abdul - babydoll

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The soft rustle of pages fills the air as I delve into the world of the novel, losing myself in its captivating story-line. With each turn of the page, I find myself drawn deeper into the lives of the characters, their struggles and triumphs mirroring my own in some strange, comforting way.

The sunlight streams in through the windows, casting warm, golden rays across the room and bathing everything in a soft, ethereal glow. Outside, the world buzzes with life, the distant sounds of cars and voices mingling with the gentle hum of nature.

Lost in my own little cocoon of comfort, I allow myself to forget about the worries and uncertainties of the outside world, immersing myself fully in the pages of the book. For a while, it's just me and the story, a peaceful respite from the chaos of everyday life.

Once I am brought back to the brutal reality and not the imaginary life, I remember it's the day of Dylan's boxing match. Having barely any time to get ready, I throw my novel onto my coffee table and quickly rush in the direction of my bathroom. I have to be fast as it's already noon.

Hopping under the hot water coming from the shower head, I wash my body using my favorite floral scented body soap. I rinse everything off and dry myself off with a warm towel.

Now, I'm the type of a person, who has a massive closet full of clothes, but never has anything to wear and it's starting to become a real struggle. I try to pick out an outfit in my head while brushing my teeth.

After searching for a while, my eyes settle on the perfect top. It's a white piece with a cute cutout. I hope I don't freeze my ass off while wearing this. To wrap it up, I'm choosing a tan skirt and the cutest chain Lilly got me for my birthday.

I rush to the vanity, sit my ass down and start applying makeup.


I take a deep breath, trying to calm the flutter of nerves in my stomach as I approach Dylan's apartment building. He's already waiting for me outside, his figure casting a shadow against the sunlit facade.

My heart quickens its pace as I draw nearer, my steps hesitant yet determined. Dylan's expression is unreadable, his posture relaxed yet poised.

I swallow hard, willing myself to appear composed despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. With each step, the distance between us diminishes, until finally, I stand before him, the air thick with anticipation.

I shoot him a smile and he returns one back. "It's great to see you Nora," he tells me.

"You too," I say.

"We have three hours before I have to head there. Any ideas on what we should do?" Dylan asks me, not breaking the eye contact. However, I don't sense his previous sweetness in his tone.

"Well what do you like to do before a match?" I ask curiously. I could learn a thing or two. Then he looks at me with a grin growing on his face.

"Have a girl over." He leans closer. "If you know what I mean." He sends me a smirk, but I just stand there with a gulp stuck in my throat.

As we step into the elevator, my mind whirls with conflicting thoughts. Dylan's earlier comment lingers in the air, casting a shadow over our interaction. I can't shake the unease that settles in the pit of my stomach.

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