Chapter IV: Escalating Circumstances

Start from the beginning

"No, I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let you see me like this, Adagio... I didn't want you to..." Covering her face with her hand, a few more quiet sobs fall into the air, her other hand dropping the knife back onto the bed. "Please don't hate me... I can explain..." Her voice weakly lets out each word, pleading for me to stay rather than leave her in this hole of darkness. Gently, my hand rests on her leg, her eyes finally peeking through her hands... Both of our eyes filled with tears, not a sound escaping our lips.

"I would never hate you, Sunset... Never. You made that impossible by being so kind to me... By being so friendly with me and giving me another chance. By being you..." Slowly, I move closer to Sunset, bringing my arms around her as gently as I can, rocking us both slightly. "I love you with all my heart... You're the light to my life and I never want to see you hurt..." Bringing my lips to her cheek, I press them against her as softly as I can, trying to avoid the urge to cry into her. "That's why I'm worried, Sunset... I love you..."

Sunset's arms gently return the embrace as her walls crumble down, finally crying and staining my chest with her sorrow. "Y-you really mean that?" Sunset's voice cracks as she speaks, barely able to let out the few words through her cries. "I-I know that I... I always tell you that a-and all... It's just that..."

"You don't think you deserve love?" I slowly interrupt, still rocking her in my arms slowly. Without saying another word, Sunset simply nods, crying a little harder into me as she holds us tightly together. "I promise, Sunset. I always mean that. Just like how you mean it when you say it to me." Holding her close to me, I slowly hum as I rock her. "What would cause you to do this, Sunset? What hurt you this badly?" I ask as carefully as I can, using my most soothing tone.

Sunset's sniffling slows down a bit, burying her face into me slightly and breathing in deeply. "I did..."

"You did...?" With a small nod, Sunset slowly lets go of me, wiping her tears from her face even though I'm still holding onto her.

"Y-you... remember how I was evil a long time ago?" her voice lets out in a quiet whisper, taking a deep breath in afterward. Nodding to her question, I rub her head quietly and close my eyes, listening to her scattered breathing. "I-I... I have already forgiven myself for it... I know I'm not the same person anymore, but... every time my friends and I use magic anymore, I can't help but feel... afraid that maybe she will come back..." A deep sigh comes from her as her tears slow down and her breathing becomes a little more controlled. "Magic is the thing that turned me into that... It also turned me into better things, but... I don't know." Her arms wrap around me as she rests her voice for a moment, calming herself. "It doesn't happen often... Maybe once every couple of months... I even make sure to cut in the same spot to avoid... too many scars..."

Gently scratching her scalp and feeling her soft strands in my hand, I take deep and slow breaths, rocking us both back and forth. "I understand... You do deserve love though, Sunset. Someone so pure and good... I love you so much. I don't think I deserve love at all..." As soon as I say this, Sunset pushes away from me, locking her eyes with mine.

"What? No! No no no, you do deserve love, Adagio. You deserve so much and I... I only want to give you the world, not my problems..." Once again, her eyes avert mine, thinking of what to say, but before she can let out another word, my hand cups her cheek slowly. A smile comes across my face, tears slowly sliding down my cheeks as I nod.

"You do give me the world, Sunset~ You are my world~ I want to know about your problems and be there for you," I slowly whisper, trying my best to hold back any urge I have to cry. Sunset's eyes meet mine once more, her own smile coming back to her as we share a few tears. "Please... Try to rely on me more~ I will always be here for you, no matter what. Just like how you're... here for me~" Sunset, now taking the initiative, grabs me in a hug and nods slowly, holding me as tight as she can.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to be like this or-"

"You can't be perfect, Sunset~" For a moment, silence passes between us, nothing bothering our moment except for the sounds of our occasional movements. "You always tell me that. You're human, Sunset~ And I love you just how you are~" Kissing her cheek once more, a sigh escapes my lips as I close my eyes. "Please, tell me when you feel like doing this again... I want to be here for you."

"If... if you promise me you'll try to get your confidence back..." Letting go of our embrace, Sunset cups my cheek and smiles, looking into my eyes. "Then... I'll promise to rely on you more... I'll try. Just promise me, okay?" she asks me with a pleading look in her eyes, her warm smile once again eating at my heart. It seems that we still have a long way to go before we're an ideal couple, getting along as best as we can.

"I promise~" Pressing my forehead against hers, I gently rub my nose with hers, closing my eyes as I do so. "I never want anyone other than you, Sunset~"

A small chuckle comes from Sunset, the final of her tears streaming down her face as she holds onto me. "I don't want anyone other than you as well, Adagio~"

We still have a long way to go... But I look forward to every step of the way with you, Sunset...

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