Chapter 7: What the hell were we doing?

Start from the beginning

„Ohh... someone's jealous!" Nat said and wiggled her eyebrows while smirking at me.

„JEALOUS??" I yelled. „That fucker spiked her drink and tried to fucking raper her!" I continued. As I explained what happened Nat turned pale.

„He... he did what?" she whispered.

„You heard me! That idiot you sent tried to rape your best friend!"

„I..." Nat started, but then I noticed tears pooling in her eyes for the first time since I met her. she turned slightly towards the side to avoid facing me and stammered „Fuck... this is not what... I'm so sorry... I thought... I knew Marc. He was always that nice and sophisticated guy... I never thought he'd..."

„But he did! And that's why I was over at Y/n's. I heard yelling and a door slam, so I just rushed to her room without thinking and found her crying. I wanted to run after that bastard to teach him a fucking lesson but Y/n asked me to stay. I swear to god if I ever meet that guy I will kill him. And you are never ever sending her out on a date with anyone ever again!"

„Buck look I'm sorry. How was I supposed to know that he would turn out to be such a bastard?" Nat whimpered and I knew she truly regretted it.

I sighed. „Come here" I said and gave her a quick hug. „Maybe you should go check on her. Keep her out of the kitchen for a while... I'm gonna bake her those weird muffins. But don't tell her!" „I won't. Thank you for taking care of her like that." „That's what friends are there for."

Y/N's POV, 45 Minutes later

„Nat I really appreciate you looking out for me like that right now, but please don't feel guilty! There was no way you could have known..." I said.

„Still... Honey, I'm sorry." Nat replied. Suddenly her phone beeped. She picked it up and looked at it for a second before saying „That late already? You should go get breakfast!" Nat said.

„I'm not really hungry Nat" I complained, but there was no convincing her otherwise. She grabbed my hand to pull me towards the door and then navigated me towards the kitchen. Before we even entered the kitchen, I noticed a delicious smell... Did someone make banana chocolate muffins?

When I entered the kitchen, it was full of that delicious smell and I noticed a tray of muffins on the counter. They still seemed hot, like they just came out of the oven, but there was no one around.

„Who made those?" I asked Nat while grabbing one.

Nat just shrugged her shoulders and smiled. „Who knows?"

„Nat come onnn, who made them?"

„You get three guesses."

„Oh ok well... it couldn't have been you because you were with me... Wanda doesn't know how to bake... Was it dad?"


„Well who could it be then? I don't know anyone who would voluntarily bake those!"

„Are you sure there's not a certain someone who might? Someone who already made some in the past?"

„Wait... are you saying... was it Bucky?" I asked.

„Yes ma'am! You guessed it. You should have seen him! He was furious! He spent the whole night cuddling with you and he told me he wanted to kill that guy, but you stopped him!"

„I... uhm I don't really remember most of last night... some of it... but I don't remember talking to Bucky. I just remember him being there." I said with a low voice. That was only part of my voice. I decided to try my best to repress the memeories from last night because I didn't want to end up being an emotional mess... Whenever I can't control my emotions, my powers... I start doing things I don't want to. I should go thank Bucky the next time I see him. Which didn't take too long, because he just entered the kitchen. It meant a great deal to me he helped me calm down, who knows what I would have accidentally done if he hadn't showed up.

Home is where the heart is - A Bucky x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now