"I am Rear-Admiral Fletcher, commander of the third Carrier Strike Group. I understand that you wish to parlay with my fleet about something?"

The elf translated what the rear-admiral had said to Sharkun.

"Yes, due to the extreme superiority of your fleet, I wish to surrender my fleet to you. Even if my fleet were to fight yours, it would be a massacre, resulting on our fleet being decimated, with the crew of all the ships along with it," Sharkun responded.

The elf translated some things to the rear-admiral. Sharkun hopes that the elf wasn't deliberately lying to the American rear-admiral to get his fleet wiped out.

"I see...but why submit to us? Why not return to port in Louria?" the rear-admiral asked.

The elf, again, translated it into the common language.

"The King of Louria believes that your nation would be a pushover and sent out such a large fleet to destroy you. If we were to return to port with two wyvern carriers lost and not at least engaging in a headon battle, we would be charged with treason, and Louria would have us all executed. That would be no different from engaging your fleet in combat."

The elf translated things to the American.

"So not only do you wish to surrender, you also wish to seek asylum?"

Vice-admiral Sharkun thought a bit about that question. It seemed nice, yes, but then it is somewhat doubtful that the offer would be accepted.

"Rear-Admiral, if it is possible, I would request for my fleet to join yours, to serve the Americans instead of the Lourians. Even if not as warships, working as cargo ships would suffice."

The offer surprised the American rear-admiral. He had never thought of such a large fleet defecting to them. This begs the question though.

"How do your crew and officers feel about this?" Rear-Admiral fletcher asked.

"Most of the crew are poor men pressed into service due to inability to pay debts and whatnot. They have no family to speak of. Their conditions are bad enough. Telling them to fight your people would result in mutinies. The officers weren't too keen on fighting your fleet either. Seeing the two flying swords take out two wyvern carriers was more than enough to shake the sense if superiority out of most of them."

Rear-Admiral Fletcher thought about the offer, and told Sharkun that he would talk to his superiors. He then orders his men to escort Sharkun back to his ship.

An hour later, the higher-ups gave their response. They accept the Lourian defectors.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New Mariposa Naval Base, roughly the same time

Large amounts of refugees had arrived at the base. They seek asylum in the New Mariposa Naval Base due to the fort-like construction of the base.

Out of guilt, or perhaps shame, President MacPherson accepted the refugees. In fact, most of the American government seems to agree with this idea, even those who did not like the idea of trade with the natives. Their reasoning being that they could "rebuild America in the new world by slowly Americanizing them". At the moment, temporary settlements have been set up, with more permanent ones being set up outside the area with some degree of Urban Planning, since they expect this to be a long-term settlement.

Minister of the Interior Owen Perkins did not like that idea. Those people weren't even born in America, more than half of them aren't even human!

Even though the majority supports such a thing. With the sheer number of refugees fleeing here, they were surely unable to feed them. The Qua-Toynian infrastructure is just not there for such a large endeavor and there isn't enough Qua-Toynian ships for that.

Summoning Poseidon: A New AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now