Suddenly the door is being opened, making Little take a step back.

The eyes of both males were widen slightly, as Little is now standing in front of a familiar red haired man.

„Oh- hey Little." Jimin says, he takes a step outside of the apartment, closing the door behind him. Little frowns at the male in front of him, he is only wearing a white tank top and short jeans, both of his clothes being wet and his hair a total mess. The red locks are already fading into a softer color.

Little is confused, and his heart is feeling strange. Why would Jimin be at Hoseok's place? And why is he looking like that?

„I wouldn't go in there." The older male suddenly says, making Little frown even more, he pats his back before passing him, „See you around!"

It all seems so strange but Little's guts are telling him that the whole situation is quite odd. The noises, Jimin coming out of Hoseok's apartment, breathing heavily and his clothes being wet, his hair a mess.

Jimin is handsome, he is attractive and gay. He is experienced - so Little put one and one together. It makes sense now, and he didn't think that this conclusion would break his heart. Actually he doesn't want to jump to conclusions without talking to Hoseok first but he also doesn't want to face the dancer, not now.

So he turns around and leaves, with a big lump in his  throat and wet eyes.

He feels stupid and betrayed. But mostly stupid, because he really thought this between him and Hoseok could be something serious. How stupid of him to think that someone like Hoseok would want to be with someone like him, when he can literally have anyone.

He rushes back home, where he immediately goes upstairs to his room to lie down in his bed and hide from the world. The feeling in his chest is killing him, he doesn't know what to think or do. It's making him sick, the thought of Hoseok being with someone else, when he was kissing him just the night before.

He is angry but also disappointed. Actually he doesn't know what he should feel at the moment. Hoseok and him aren't „dating". They shared a few kisses and close moments but that's it. Hoseok doesn't belong to him, so he has no right to be angry at him. But somehow he is still disappointed, he thought he was someone special to the dancer. Hoseok made him feel this way. But Taehyung is probably just another guy in Hoseok life, nothing more or less.

With these thoughts he fell asleep on his bed, hoping that when he wakes up, the problems would disappear.

A few hours passed and he woke up as he heard his mother coming home. They prepared dinner together and ate when his father came home. Taehyung has been quiet the whole time more than usually, so when he went to his room, he started reading a book to get his mind clear.

He doesn't know what time it was when he suddenly heard stones hitting his window, a now really familiar sound.

His heart starts beating faster because he knows exactly who it is.

Slowly approaching his window, he at first hesitates before opening.

„Hey Little!" Hoseok greets him, but Taehyung doesn't say anything, „Why didn't you come today?"

Taehyung presses his lips together, leaning against his window to have a better look at the male.

„You seemed- busy." Little responds not looking into Hoseok's face. The elder frowns before deciding to go up, so that he can talk to Little properly.

Little just backs off as the dancer enters his room, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

„I indeed was busy but you could have come anyways." Hoseok says slowly caressing Taehyung's arm with his hand.

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