Chapter Twelve: Jealousy

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

I never went back to visit Aizawa in the hospital. He was released a few days later. I never bothered to ask how Toga got his blood. I've spent more time with Midnight and made time to work at our agency. She kept bugging me about living out Shouta's fantasies. I'm really not in the mood for it nor do I care about it, but Midnight added it to her bucket list. "I really don't want to do this." I tell her as she drives to Aizawa's house. "You promised. We should live it out before I die." "Please stop reminding me about the war." I sigh. "Something the matter?" "Enji's been on my case lately. I don't know when but somehow I'm his right hand woman. He's on my ass about finding any clues to your death, checkin in to make sure I help Shoto with his new quirk, calling me all hours of the night about the war and if I had any visions about it or if it changes in the slightest. I blocked him on my phone but he just shows up to my house or UA." I answer. "I remember when he used to be in your ass." "Nemuri!" I scold. "Oh lighten up Y/N. You both have a lot on your minds. All the more reason why you need to do this threesome with me. You need it more than I do. And tell Todoroki to get off your ass." "I've said that but he doesn't listen. You know he never listens to me." "Otherwise you two would be married with kids and not with Rei." "I like Rei." "I do too Y/N but you're each other's soulmate. It was truly love at first sight. And Rei deserve better than him." "How the hell do you say were soulmates followed by Rei deserves better in the same breath? So I don't deserve better?" "You know that's not what I'm saying Y/N. You got out before it was too late. You're free to marry anybody in the world. You have one child by him who is raised by Rei, so to the world you don't have any kids or any ties to Enji. I want you two to try it out again. He's older now and he's atoning his sins. He's bettering himself for you and his family." "I'm not his family he shouldn't do anything for me." "Now you know he will. I can see how he still loves you." "You sound like Rei now." "She said that? She's not wrong." "Yeah but it doesn't matter because I don't love him. When I look at Shoto, all I can think about is wishing I could have saved him. He is progressing but the memories will always linger on his mind." "That's the mama in you talking. Do me a favor and have more kids. Not for Enji and Rei but for yourself. You'll make a wonderful mother. Don't end up like me. A workaholic who's going to die alone and no legacy to leave behind." "You being a hero is your legacy." "A legacy that will die out because I have no one to pass it on to. Whether you decide to be in Shoto's life as his mother or not, have more children to pass on your legacy to. And if you don't have any more kids, pass it on to Shoto." "Well we're still in the process of adopting Eri." "Pass it on to her." "Okay fine I give up." Midnight claps her hands and squeal. "Y/N you have a good life. You have a son with Todoroki and will have a daughter with Aizawa. You won. You have a family please stop avoiding it." "I don't even have any parents to show them off to. Your parents are still alive. Mine are dead." "So that's preventing you from starting your own family?" "Eri and Shoto will ask to meet my parents. Eri's six. I don't want to break her heart so young." "Y/N she will understand. Aizawa doesn't have parents either. You're going to have a family. Which is why..." Midnight reach down and grab a notepad. She hands it to me. "I'm giving you my bucket list, so when I die you have to fulfill them." I take it and look at it. "Marry Enji or Shouta?!" I screech. "Yes, they're both perfect for you. And it may be unlikely that you'll marry Enji so Aizawa is a good fit. He's husband material." "I know nothing of him." "And whose fault is that? He's the father of your daughter. It's long over due to get to know him." "Stop making it sound like I had sex with Aizawa." "Well you're about to now." Midnight pulls up to his house and parks. She gets out. I remain in the car. "Y/N would you stop being a baby?" "I'm still his assistant." "And you're being rude. He's our client." "He's not even paying us for this session." "We're living out his fantasy so come on!" Midnight pulls me out of car and locks it. I trudge behind her. She knocks on the door. I stood behind her. I was in my Dominatrix uniform and he never saw me in it before. I hear the door open. "Well well well. If it is Eraser Head." Nemuri says. "Where's Y/N?" "Right behind me like a big baby." Midnight walked inside and I kept my pace behind her. "Y/N?" I freeze in place. Aizawa eye me. "You look hot." "Yeah I'm gonna go." I whirl on my heels and head for the door. "Don't, please?" He caught my arm. "You're always running away. I want you here with us." I exhale deeply. I close the front door and lock it. Aizawa snake his arms around my waist from behind. "Thank you." He lowly say in my ear. "Shouta..." I trail off. "I love when you say my name in that pretty voice of yours." He moans. "Sh-Shouta?" I squeak. "Oooh someone's eager to get started." Nemuri announced. "Come." Shouta takes my hand and leads me upstairs. We walk to his room. "Wow you actually have a bed?" I joked. "Yeah. What else did you expect?" "Your sleeping bag." "Sleeping bag sex. Nice." Midnight says behind us. He walks me to his bed and sat me down. "I know you're uncomfortable." "That's why I should leave." "She's still stuck over the fact that you two work together." Midnight chimes in as she sets up shop. Shouta leans down close to my face. "What do I have to do to help you feel comfortable?" He asks me. "Get her drunk!" "Midnight!" I scold. "That's not a bad idea." He agreed. "I'm not getting drunk. I just-" I let out a sigh. "Ever since you appeared at our agency, it's just weird. You two sleeping together is weird too. Now you and I? Even weirder. Don't get me wrong, I find you very attractive. I-" Aizawa plants his lips on top of mine, cutting me off. He kiss me slowly. It was very familiar. "Forget about all of that. Please?" He mumbles. I open my eyes to see him looking at me intensely, lips still lingering on mine. I nod slowly. "I-I'll try." He holds the back of my neck. "I find you very attractive as well Icy Hot." "Why is that?" I ask in a teasing manner. "Your voice. The way you touch me. The way you look at me. The way you speak to me." "Shouta..." "Yes?" I trace the bottom of his lip with my tongue. Aizawa kiss me hungrily. I pull away. "Slow down. Why rush?" I ask, stopping him from taking his pants off. Shouta starts kissing my neck. I pull away. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I don't know. I just can't get into it." Shouta sighs. "You're getting rusty Y/N. Normally he'd be getting his dick sucked while hanging upside down by now." Midnight says. "Nemuri!" I scream. "I'm not wrong." "Get out!" "What? Y/N you're being dramatic." "Get. Out!" "Fine." Midnight walks out, slamming the door behind her. I let out a frustrated sigh. "What's on your mind?" I cover my face and shake my head. "It's complicated." "Do you want to talk about it?" I remain quiet. Aizawa sat down next to me. "I shouldn't have come here." I said after a few minutes of silence. I get up, walking towards the door. "Y/N please. Talk to me. I don't like seeing you like this." I look at him. His eyes were pleading with mine. I sit down in a corner, knees pulled up to chest. I wrap my arms around my legs. My phone vibrate. I look at it. Enji was calling. I throw my phone. "Not now." I mumble. I knew it was him. He calls from different numbers and I keep blocking them. I bury my face in my legs, getting lost in my thoughts. "Who is this?" I hear. "Endeavor? Why are you bothering Icy Hot?" I snap my head up. Aizawa was on my phone. "It's clear she doesn't want to speak with you." I get up and go to snatch the phone out of his hands but he moved out of the way. "Really? Because she just threw her phone." "Shouta." "Don't worry about why I have her phone. We were about to fuck before you decided to call." Aizawa sneers. "Shouta!" I scold. I can hear Enji raging. Aizawa hung up. "What the hell?!" "It's clear to me hes putting you in a bad mood." "He means well." "Why are you taking his side?" "I'm not." My phone rings again. "Do you have feelings for him?" "No!" "Then why is the number one hero harassing you?" "Because he wants to know if any changes happen in the upcoming war. And to check on Shoto." "Shoto? He has nothing to do with you." I pull up a chair. "You might want to sit down. I'll tell you everything." I say while taking my phone out of his hands. I shut it off and sit on the chair. Shouta sits on his bed and looks at me. I take a deep breath. "Enji calls me because he's trying to see if I can find any clues." "Clues?" "Midnight's going to die in this upcoming Liberation War. Shoto and I saw it in our premonition." "Midnight dies? Shoto gets premonition?" "Right. Shoto didn't want to tell you about it. He didn't want anyone else to know besides me and his family." "So you two had a premonition at the same time? How can this happen?" I close my eyes and exhale deeply. "Seventeen years ago, I gave birth. That baby was Shoto." I answer when I open my eyes. "What?" "Enji called me years after I broke up with him. He said Rei couldn't have anymore children. After some convincing, I finally agreed to be their surrogate. The doctor said my DNA wouldn't ruin Shoto's but wasn't sure if he would inherit my quirks. He inherited my premonition quirk and possibly my healing too. Through certain contact, we share a connected vision. He had his very first premonition when you were kidnapped. He found me holding Toga in the hallway. He said he saw that you were held hostage and the League of Villains infiltrated UA. Our first connected vision was Enji severely hospitalized. The next two was of Midnight's death and her dying in war. Enji wants to prevent it, that's why he calls me whenever. I have no clues related to her death and he wants to know every time Shoto gets a vision and when we share another connected one. On top of that, I still can't get over Midnight's death. She's fine with it but I'm not. This is my best friend." I wipe my tears with a shaky hand. I hear as Aizawa gets up and walk closer to me. "It's okay. Why didn't you tell tell me?" Aizawa asks, wrapping his arms around me. "We've kept it a secret from the world. The only person who knows outside the Todoroki family is Nemuri. Principal Nezu has no idea so him putting me in your class was the worst coincidence. And we've yet to tell Shoto." I continue. Shouta remove my hands from my face and drop down in front of me. "I'm so sorry you have so much on your mind. It must be really hard." "To top it all off, Enji won't stop talking about us, when we were together. Because he never stopped loving me. I feel bad because Rei knows and she deserves so much better. She knows I don't love him but still. Lately whenever I look at Shoto, I suddenly wish I was there back then to save him from the abuse, torture and trauma. If Shoto finds out, he's going to hate me. And I plan on adopting Eri with you, that'll be a big slap in the face to him." Shouta kiss my hands. He wipes my tears. "Don't blame yourself for Endeavor's actions. That was out of your hands the moment Shoto went home with him as a baby. He's a sweet kid, he won't blame you for it if he finds out. He won't be mad at you for adopting Eri either. Listen, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to." "God I'm such a vibe killer. We came here to live out your fantasies and now it's turned into a therapy session." "No no it's fine. That's not important right now. You have a lot on your plate. Don't be so hard on yourself okay?" Shouta place a kiss on my lips and then my forehead. I bring his face to mine and kiss him. I hear heavy footsteps. "Don't go in there Endeavor please!" I hear Nemuri. The bedroom door swings open. We pull away. "So this is why you've been avoiding my calls? Sleeping with him?" Enji barks. "Todoroki!" Nemuri scolds. "Get out of my house Endeavor!" Enji slams Aizawa against the wall, creating a hole. "Enji stop!" I scream. I pull him off and Aizawa takes a swing. "Aizawa!" I yell. "You blocked me so you can screw him? Huh?!" Enji was fuming. "Enji stop this! We didn't even fuck we're fully dressed dumbass." Enji grips my arm. "We're leaving." I struggle. "Enji what the fuck?! Let me go!" Enji drags me out and downstairs. "I said stop!" "Let her go!" Aizawa grabs my other arm. They were now playing tug-o-war with me. "Stay out of this Eraser Head." "I'm not going anywhere with you!" His eyes fall down on me. "You don't want to leave because you want to keep being a slut instead of fulfilling your duties so we can win this war!" He spat. His eyes were cold. He looked at me as a pawn. "Enji you bastard!" Nemuri screams. I broke free from Aizawa's grip and punch Enji in his nose. He let me go, holding his nose. I hope I broke it. "I'm not your pawn. And for the record, I just told him about Midnight's death, Shoto having premonitions and me birthing him. We barely got passed kissing. But what do you care? I'm just a slut, right Enji? I hate you with my soul Enji Todoroki. I wish we never met." I walk out of Aizawa's house. I hear rustling behind me and Midnight screaming as I kept walking. "Aizawa, Endeavor stop!" I hear faintly. "Todoroki get back in here!" I keep walking. Enji appears in front of me. "Y/N wait I'm sorry." I ignore him, weaving past. I feel as he grab me and toss me over his shoulders. I really hate when he does that. "Put me down Todoroki!" I started banging on his back. "Not until we talk." He says as he walks. He puts me down against his car and box me in. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you a slut. Please don't hate me." I snort. "You think that sorry ass apology is going to make me stop hating you?" "I know it won't but I really am sorry. He said you two were about to fuck and I don't know what came over me. When I saw you two kissing I just lost it." I scoff. "How do you manage to be jealous and see me as your personal pawn at the same time? In the same breath? I bet you looked at all of your kids that way. Like a pawn." "I-I did? God I'm so sorry. You're not a pawn." I remain quiet, my arms folded. Endeavor kiss me slowly. I shove him off. "Oh but he can kiss you and I can't?" "He is a single man and you're not!" "I love you so much Y/N I don't want to lose you." "You're about to lose your wife." "Do you really hate me?" "With every inch of my body." "You're bluffing." "You just called me a slut. But that's not what made me mad. You clearly see me as a pawn to help you win the war and got mad cause I'm not "fulfilling my duties" as if I haven't been jumping to your back and call every damn night. You ingrate, ungrateful bastard. So tell me again, how I'm bluffing." "No baby I don't. I truly am sorry. I was out of line." "I'm not your baby. Burn in hell Endeavor." Enji lifts me up and place me on top of his car. He stands in between my legs. He gently rubbed my thigh. "I see you. As my lover. My partner. My best friend. My right hand woman. The mother of our son. But not as a pawn." "You need to be calling Rei your lover." "She is. You both are. I can't help it." "You're such a terrible husband Enji you know that? Your wife is still in the looney bin and you're chasing after me." "I know. I hate myself for it. Every time I ignore your existence to focus on my family, my heart reminds me of you every single time. I just want to only want Rei." I remove his hands off my thighs. "Yeah you keep saying that and yet here you are. Really got your wife out here looking like a damn clown. You belong to the streets." "I don't like this at all. I don't. But hearing you bond with our son makes me love you even more. I know you're being an amazing mother even if you are his teacher. I always knew you'd be a wonderful mother." "I'm not his mother. I didn't raise him Enji and you know that. Rei is his mother. She raised him. I legally gave him up. He's not mine. I just birthed him that's all." "That would have been true if he never inherited your quirks. Now that he did, it's pointing you as his mother. He's starting to look like you. I see it. Natsu see it." "Just because he inherited my quirks and he looks like me doesn't mean I'm his mother. A mother raise their child." "Then tell him. Tell him the truth. Tell him why he gets premonitions now." "We agreed to never tell him and you know this Todoroki. He's already going through a lot, I'm not about to add more onto his plate." "Fine. When this is all over, tell him." "No! See this is exactly why I left you. You never listen to me, you know what? I don't even know why I'm wasting my breath with you." I get down from on top oh his car and start walking. Enji grabs my wrist. "Y/N stop being hasty." "Hasty? Maybe if you listened to me years ago, we wouldn't be where we are now. None of your children would have been traumatized. Your eldest wouldn't be 'dead' and your wife wouldn't have spent a decade in a damn mental hospital. If you would have listened to me when I told you my vision on your future-" "Then we would be married, I know. I regret that every single day not listening to you. Even if we didn't get married, I would have had a happy marriage with my wife, but I ruined it. I know. I know all of these things. I wish I can turn back time." "Then why do you fight with me consistently and never listen to me? I'm sick and tired of it all." "Fighting with you temporarily makes me forget how much I love you. It ease the pain in my heart of losing you." "You already lost me the day I ended our relationship. Keep it up and you'll lose Rei." "Why did you tell Eraserhead that we have a son?" "Does it matter why?" "Yes." "Fine. I couldn't get in the mood. Mainly because my best friend is dying. Then you're on my ass every five minutes about war and Shoto. It's a lot on my plate and he wanted to talk. I didn't expect him to say what he said when you called. But he just wanted to piss you off and your dumbass fell for it. Shouta didn't know Shoto get premonitions now because he didn't want anyone to know. When I spoke of Midnight's death, I couldn't say I was the only one who saw that vision. That's not true." I explained. Enji wraps his arms around me tightly. "I'm sorry I'm so hard on you. It's just I have a lot on my plate too but taking it out on you doesn't make it any better. The only thing that gives me joy right now is your bond with our son." "Your son with Rei." "Y/N stop please. We're all his parents." "I'm not his mother. I'm not going to keep arguing with you Enji, it's all we do. The same thing over and over again! Why can't you just leave me alone?" "You think I don't want to? I want to stop loving you. It's been twenty-three years Y/N. I physically moved on but not mentally. I can't find a single thing to hate about you. You've done nothing wrong to me and I'll never stop loving you." "So you're saying if I hurt you, you'll leave me alone?" "No even then, I already ruined our relationship. My heart won't let you go." "Then maybe you need a heart transplant." "That's not going to stop my love for you." "God I wish I never agreed to being your surrogate." I regret. "No please don't say that. Don't bring our son into this. He's our perfect baby. He's the only thing I have of you left. When I look at him, I see you again. Please don't regret giving birth to our precious son." Enji begs. "Oh so now he's your precious son? Just twelve years ago, you saw him as a pawn. He was five years old Enji. He was supposed to be loved. He was supposed to have a childhood and play with his elder siblings. He's supposed to draw ugly pictures and his parents place it on the refrigerator for display. But you traumatized him. You gave him pain and suffering. You're the reason Rei lost her marbles to her breaking point and did what she did to Shoto. Don't worry she takes the blame too but you instigated all of this Enji. Every single thing you've done in my vision, happened. It would have been better off if I never agreed to this. But knowing you, you would've found someone else to be your surrogate because you're so selfish! You're a selfish sick bastard! That is why I turned down your proposal and broke up with you. That is why I hate you with my soul. You can redeem yourself to your family but not to me. So please do me a favor and leave me alone. I'll contact you whenever I have new information." I break free from his grip. Enji looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Y/N please..." Enji reach out to me but I jerk back. "Tch." I walk off.
Welp there goes that threesome🤧

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