Chapter Eighteen: Pro Heroes

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. This contains some BNHA spoilers. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

Citizens of Japan are still giving us all hell. The remaining heroes are in a conference at U.A with the civilians. They're not letting Enji speak, or hear him out. "We don't need you anymore. We can rely on ourselves." "Yeah a couple of thugs came into my store and they came out with bruises!" "You can't protect us!" "How can you protect us when you abused your family?!" "Is it true what everything that boy said?" "Yes. It's true." Enji said. "Unbelievable!" I walk up to Enji, moving him out of the way. "Y/N stop I got this." He whispers to me. "Yeah? And how is that working out for you big guy?" I ask. Enji steps back a little bit. "Alright, it's my turn to talk now." I say into the mic. "We're not going to listen to a slut." "Home wrecker!" They all kept screaming incoherently. "Everybody shut the hell up right now!" I scream into the microphone. They all shut up. "First of all, don't say shit when you don't know the meaning of it. A home wrecker is a term used for when a third party sleeps with a taken partner and break up the relationship. I did not sleep with Endeavor to have Shoto you dumb fuck. What Dabi said is true. Mrs. Todoroki couldn't have anymore children and I was their surrogate. No intimacy needed." "Y/N don't call civilians dumb fucks." Enji whisper in my ear. "Back the hell up Todoroki." I hiss. "You bad huh? You all think you're bad? Coming at us because you think you can fend for yourselves? Take down a couple of thugs and you think you're a hero huh?" "We lost our homes because of y'all." "Be grateful that you're not dead. It's not easy to do our job. Are y'all not staying at U.A for housing?" "The same school that the League of Villains infiltrated successfully? Some of us did die." "Yeah and we lost some heroes too. I knew there weren't going to be casualties but there were. When we put an end to all of this, we will give proper ceremonies and we can rebuild Japan." "We don't need your help." "Oh yeah? Well then walk out there right now. I dare you. Once you go out there, I'm not going to save your asses and I will make sure no hero move. You will die. There are ten thousand prisoners who escaped. Yeah most of them are thugs. But some aren't. Dabi? Toga who drinks your blood and pass off as you while using your quirk better than you? Shigaraki? You should know by now on how much he evolved since he inherited One For All. He can decay so much without even touching you. If he touch the ground and it decays, the debris will kill you once it touches you. He killed the American number one hero Star and Stripe. You know who else is out there? Stain. We still have to worry about him. Well lucky for you, he's not your problem. He's mine and All Might's. He doesn't give a fuck about y'all. Now that All Might retired, he's going to be after my ass while I try to protect you. No that's a lie. Stain wants to collect women. Yeah your wives, your girlfriends, sisters, cousins, aunts, fiancées. And got knows what he will do once he collect y'all like prizes. But you know who is worst of all? Jailbreaker. He wrecks havoc. He's on his way real soon and you know who plans to fend him off so he won't attack U.A? A child. A fucking child. Because he wants to be a pro hero and protect you all! Ever since I got here, I see a bunch of adults attacking children for wanting to be a pro hero. Cowards. You're all a bunch of cowards. Oh, I just remembered. Gigantomachia. That big beast who is bigger than Mt. Lady and destroyed Japan? It's still alive. But who do you think will fight against it? Us not you. That thing killed my best friend and her body is yet to be found. My body shakes with the thought whatever it is, ate her. But I will take him down while dealing with Stain. I'm next on his hit list. If we heroes die out, who will protect you? Oh I know. The children. The next generation will protect you. But what if they die out too? Gigsntimachia can squish us all right here, right now. My point is, it's not all peaches and cream out there. I found out that Deku hasn't been home in days. His classmates went to get him and you all wanted to keep him out? How dare you? This is his home. Shigaraki is out to get him and your only thought was to literally feed him to the wolves? What the actual fuck?! That is someone's child. His mother lives here. You all looked at her like y'all didn't just treat her son like dog shit. And it took Uravity another child to put some sense into your minds. Hypocrites you're all, hypocrites! How do you shame and slander Endeavor for how he treated his family and turn around do the same thing to someone else's child, in the same breath? That's disturbing. Y'all are unhinged for real. So let me say this again. You bad right? You can hold it down against the villains. Go ahead. Walk out." I spoke. Crickets. Nobody moves. Nobody says a thing. "Oh so you're all quiet as a church mouse huh?" I ask, in a cocky way. "What did she say?" Someone whispers. "I don't know. She's speaking American." Another whisper. "Don't worry about that." I reply. I drop the mic and walk away. "I'm sorry about her language." I storm over to Enji and snatch the mic. I give the mic to Aizawa. I yank him down to my level. "Do not apologize for my language. They understand me loud and clear. I said what I said and I meant that shit." I tell him in his ear. "God you're so hot." I roll my eyes and walk off. "Icy Hot." I keep going. "Satō." I stop in my tracks and turn around. "Yes?" I ask. "You have a way of saying things." Shouta points out. "Yeah. I know. Got a problem with that?" I snap. "Hey, hey calm down. Breathe." Shouta pulls me closer to him. I inhale and exhale deeply. "I'm sorry." I apologize. "Don't worry about it." "They're just so heartless to do that towards a child!" My voice raises. "I know." He wraps his arms around me tightly and rub my back. "Aizawa or Satō?" "What?" "Her last name. What should Eri's last name be?" I ask. "This was random..." he trails off. I look up at him. "Your last name." He says. "Honestly I don't think either of our last names will fit." "Yours sounds better." "She deserves a middle name." "Do you have any ideas?" I shake my head no. "You?" "Never crossed my mind." "Ayane." "My mother's name?" "Huh?" I ask. "Ayane. That was my mother's name." "Really? That's a huge coincidence. That name just came to me. A little weird considering I know nothing about you." "I think you should go with that." "Eri Ayane Satō." Shouta smiles. "I think it's beautiful." I look down at him. "Really cut your leg off." I sigh as I knock on his prosthetic leg. "It's not so bad." "No. Eri will think it's cool. But your eye." I lift up his eyepatch and wince. "She already does. I'm practically useless without my quirk working functionally. But that means I've done my job. And I'll do it all over again. My combat skills is all I have left so I strengthened it." "No we can't lose you. You have students and Eri." "Nothing and no one will take me from you." I kiss his old scar under his eye he got from Nomu s few years ago. I then kiss his new scar. "Missing an eye and a leg." I cover his eye. "I'm gonna kill him. Shigaraki and that big ass Gigantomachia is going to die." "Y/N he killed Star and Stripe. Your healing can't withstand his decay. And that other monster killed Midnight. We don't know how to stop them. Not to mention we still have to stop All For One." I sigh deeply. "I had a vision a while back when I was at home. I don't know much details but you are going to use Aoyama to lure him out. Deku is the target, Aoyama is the bait. But because he can tell when someone will betray him, you'll use Shinso to pass for Aoyama, to lure him out into thinking he can get Midoriya. And you're going to use Neito Monoma from class 1-B to copy your erasure quirk and use it in battle. Midoriya is going to go missing and he'll have to find his way back to U.A because if Monoma change quirks, we are fucked. So basically, this is another all out war. I'm not going to be there and I don't know why. That's all I know about the vision. This is your plan, so don't you dare call yourself useless. You're smart as fuck Aizawa and you know that. Yes your quirk was our secret weapon and your binding but that's not all you have. Your keen intellect. You taught Shinso how to use his binding and Monoma will copy your quirk. Even though you'll be on the sidelines, you make a big impact in this next war." I tell him. Shouta kisses me deeply. "I love you." He blurts out. "I-I-um-" "Don't apologize for saying it." He nods. "Anyway...since I doing know where I'll be during the midst of this, I'm going to come up with a plan to stop our other biggest threats. I'm going to find the deadliest poison, even if I have to travel the world to find it. I'm giving it to the bastard that killed Midnight. And as for Shigaraki, I'm going to find something that can decay just like his quirk. I will experiment it on myself so I can be immune to his decay while using my healing quirk." "That's suicide! No! You can't do this, are you crazy?!" "Yes. Yes I am. I'm not as smart as you so this is the only plan I can think of." "With All For One quirk, he can steal yours." "That's why I'm going to inject or digest poison and whatever's similar to decay so that if I do die by him, he will die too." "No! This is a suicide mission. You have two children. They both need you. We all need you. I need you!" I plant a light kiss on his lips. "Take care of Eri for me. Make sure Enji fix his family and take cares of them." I say before walking away. "Y/N." I keep going. "Y/N!" I hear my name louder as it fades away.
I've been dying to write this chapter. I hated how the civilians treated the remaining heroes and Midoriya in the manga.

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