Chapter Twenty-Seven: Epilogue

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Hiiiii! I'm sad to say that this is the last chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing this. I know it's super rushed but this wasn't meant to be a long story. This is from Aizawa's POV. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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~~~~~~~~~~Aizawa's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"Are you ready for your first day at U.A?" I ask Eri. She shrugs as she play around with her cereal. "I thought you would be more energetic." I pout. "Come on cheer up Eri. This a big day." Shoto adds. "I am excited." "I feel like there's a but coming on." I pinpoint. "I just wish mom was here." Eri confess. My heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. Eri gets up and and wash her bowl and spoon. I get up and pull her into a hug. "I know sweetie. I wish she was here too. She should be here. With all of us. Supporting you on your big day. Watching your brother graduate." "It's unfair!" Eri cries out. I rub her back in circles. "It's going to be alright Eri. She's always with you. In your heart. In your memory." Eri pulls away. "I'll go get my backpack." Eri leaves out of the dining room. I look at Shoto. "I miss her too. But Eri doesn't have another mom like I do. That was her other mother." I let out a sigh and sit down. I knew this day would come. Especially for this day specifically. Eri comes back downstairs. Shoto and I get up. "I'm glad you're here for her first day." I say. "I'm her brother. Of course I'm going to support her." We follow Eri out of the door. She opens the door and stop. I walk up behind her. "Eri?" A woman asks. "Yes? Who are you?" "I'm your mother." The woman replies. "My mother is dead." " That woman wasn't your mother. A real mother gives birth to their child." "A real mom raises their child. Now if you don't excuse me, I have to get to school." Eri corrects as she walk pasts the woman. The woman stops Eri. "You don't actually believe that woman is your mother, do you?" "Yes. Yes I do." "Come on Eri, we have a three hour ahead of us." Shoto says as he grabs her hand. He pulls her away. I lock the front door. "Do not touch her." The woman barks, grabbing Eri's other hand, tugging her. I grip the woman's arm, removing her. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask her. "Unhand me!" I tighten my grip. "You two Go wait in the car." I instructed. "You left her." "She killed my husband, her father. I didn't know what to do. She scared me." "You don't think she was too? She was a scared six year old who didn't know how to use her quirk or what was going on. Do you even know what happened after that?  Chisaki better known as Overhaul, put her grandfather in a coma. He then proceeded to abuse Eri and her power until we rescued her. That's why Y/N suggested that we become her legal parents and take care of her. She needed a lot of love and support. We did everything in our power to make her happy and you think you can just walk in her life and take her from us? From me? I'll be damned if I let that happen. I will protect my daughter with my dying breath. And you're the last person who should be speaking ill of the dead. Now get off my property before I have you arrested." I spat. I hear my car honk. I walk past her, towards my car. Shoto was honking. I get behind the wheel. "Sorry about that." I apologize as I pull off. "Are you alright Eri?" I ask. "I'm fine. I do not know that woman at all. My name is Eri Ayane Satō for a reason. Y/N Satō is my mother. Always have been and always will be." She proudly responds. I smile widely as I drive. Shoto turns the radio on. A Three hour drive. I didn't want to sell Y/N's home. Eri's going to be living at U.A so I don't have to keep driving her back and forth. After about three hours, I pull up and park. I wake Shoto. We get out and walk with Eri. "Ever since your skin has gotten darker, it's been glowing." Eri points out to Shoto as she reach up to tussle his curly hair. He looks at his arms and chuckles. "Yeah mom's DNA finally came in." "You look more and more like her every day big brother." He smiles. "Yeah I know. Some people didn't like it. Thought I was faking it. I found mom's doctor and proved to everyone that I did inherit her melanin." "So? That makes you no different that Shoto from years ago." "Actually some people pretend to be black which is actually racist and they thought I was one of those people. Turns out I'm not the only one who grows up without it until later in life. It's less common here but more common in America." Shoto explains. We walk inside of U.A and towards class 1-A. "Oh the memories." Shoto says. I laugh. "Well Eri, you're growing up now. Your mother and I are so proud of you. Make sure you come home as often as you can alright? I packed a photo of Y/N in your backpack last night so you can always see her without opening your locket. Do your best. I love you." I say as I hug her. "Why do you make it sound like she's going off to war?" Shoto asks. "Why are you always so sassy?" I ask. "I get it from my mama." I laugh. He's not wrong. "Come here." Shoto pulls Eri into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you. Make sure to call me every night. Ignore every boy in your class. They're no good." Eri laughs as she hugs her brother back. The classroom door open. "Oh there she is. You must be Eri." I froze in place. Eri's teacher looks exactly like Y/N. Same complexion and everything. "Y-Y/N?" I call. "Excuse me?" She asks. "Pardon him. It's just that you look exactly like my mother." Shoto explains. She smiles wide and laugh. "Thank you. I get that a lot. I'm a big fan of your mother. What an amazing hero she was and still is. Come on Eri. Class is just about to start." Eri waves as Shoto drags me away. "Did you see that?" I ask. "I know. She looks exactly like her." Shoto agrees. "You think she's been reincarnated?" I ask. Shoto shrugs. "Probably. Although she looks really young. If it's possible, maybe you can come back as another adult." I nod. I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding. "She sounds just like her. Her smile. Her laugh. Her sultry seductive voice. Oh god I miss her." I say. "I do too." We stop at Y/N's statue. We sit down on the ground underneath it. "You're still watching over us mom?" Shoto asks the statue. "I think so. It's something she'd do. But that woman is her twin. It's scary." I respond. We sit there for about an hour before I drive him home.
The end🤧 this was a terrible story and super rushed I'm sorry😭

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