Chapter Eleven: Todoroki Rei

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

"Hey hey hey!" I greet. "Hi!" Rei comes closer and hugs me tightly. "How are you?" She asks. "I'm good. You?" "Doctors say I'm doing a lot better." I smile wide. "That's good news! I can't wait until you get out of here." "Me too." I sit down. "How's Enji?" "He's good. He's trying to figure out how he'll atone his sins." I reply. "I know that he still loves you." "He loves you too Rei. You're his wife." "I know. I also know you don't love him. I wouldn't be mad if you did. You're each other's first." "Rei stop. He's trying to knit his family together. That includes you his wife, and the children he has with you." "How's Shoto?" Rei asks. I take a deep breath. "He inherited my premonition quirk and there a possibility he inherited my healing quirk as well." "Does he know?" "No we didn't tell him. And I'm refraining myself from making physical contact with him. We share connected visions." "Because he's your son." "He's your son Rei." "I know. But he's your son as well." "I never raised him. You did." "I didn't raise him either. Fuyumi did when Enji put me here." "You're not a bad mother Rei, stop." "My eldest is a villain and I burned my youngest." "How do you know Dabi is your son?" "A mother knows. Enji's the only one in denial. I never told the others about it." "I've spoken with him when I rescued Aizawa." "Really? What did he say?" "He asked if Shoto knows that I birthed him. When I said no he realized we're still keeping secrets from Shoto." "So Dabi really is Touya." I nod in agreement. "I wish I've done more as a mother." "Nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes. You both thought Touya died in that fire. Enji was hurting you and his family mentally. But I didn't come here to talk about that. I came here to spend some time with you." "I appreciate it. "Knock knock." We turn to see Fuyumi and Natauo walking in. "Hey mama!" They hugged her. "Fuyumi, Natsu, Y/N's here." I stand up. "Wow look at you two. All grown up. Come here." I hug Natsuo. "It's good to see you Ms. Satō." "Damn you're so tall." I joke. "Icy Hot!" Fuyumi squeals. She hugs me tightly. "Hey Fuyumi! I'm surprised you two remember me." "How could we forget you? You're family." We all sit down. "Fu, I hear you're an elementary school teacher now." "I am. They're such sweethearts, already talking about wanting to be just like their favorite hero." "This new generation seems promising and I'm sure the next one will be outstanding too. Natsu how do you like college? Do you go home often?" "Only when I beg him." Fuyumi pinch his ear. "Ouch! Mom Fuyumi's bullying me." Natsu whines. Rei laughs. "You should go home more often." I encourage. "I don't like the memories of him being there." "I understand. But Fuyumi's all alone now that Shoto's lives at school." "I know, I know. I'll try to come home more." "Good. I do miss her cooking." "You can't cook?" "He can't cook even if his life depended on it." Fuyumi says. "Fuyumi!" Natsuo scolds, embarrassed. I laugh. "Well I'm glad Shoto cooks. He helped me yesterday with dinner because Rikido's sick." "How's our baby brother?" "He's good. Just a little spooked." "Shoto? Spooked?" I nod. "Why?" "Well...he inherited my premonition quirk." "No way really?" I nod. "That's pretty cool. Does he know?" Natsu asks. "No we still didn't tell him. I just said maybe he inherited it from his grandparents." "You have to tell him Icy Hot." Fuyumi says. "I can't. There's too much going on. He already know about the upcoming war." "There's a war coming?" Rei asks. "Yeah. It's going to be a nasty war. He heard from Principal Nezu. Enji knew from Hawks via code and I had my premonition. Shigaraki is being experimented on to inherit the All For One." "No way." "There's going to be a lot of casualties. What spooked Shoto out the most is our connected vision. When we make physical contact, we share the same vision. The first one was your father hospitalized. The second one was Midnight's death. The third one was her dying in this upcoming war." Fuyumi gasps. "Midnight's dying? Does she know? How's Shoto taking it?" "I'm telling her when I leave here and I'm keeping my eye on Shoto." There was a knock on the door. Shoto enters. "Oh. Everyone's here. You too Satō Sensei?" Shoto hugs his mom and siblings. "Yes. We were discussing your new quirk." I reply. "Oh." Shoto sits down. "How are you feeling about it?" Rei asks. "I don't know. It's weird. It made me dizzy and then I felt better after the vision happened." "It's like that because your body's trying to adjust to it. I had it too when I first used it a couple of times." I tell him. "Really? How long until I get used to it?" "It depends on your body Shoto. This isn't a quirk you make stronger like your fire and ice quirks. It's a mental ability. But you do have to keep yourself hydrated and well rested. It's kind of like having a third eye." "Will I ever experience good premonitions?" "You will. My first few were bad ones too. It's traumatizing." "I just wish Midnight didn't die in our vision. Are they always accurate?" "For me personally, it's always accurate. You have to figure out if yours are always accurate or not. Keep track of how many times your visions are correct and incorrect." "You two are starting to look more ali-" "Shush!" Fuyumi covered Natsuo's mouth. "What was that?" Shoto asks. "Nothing!" Fuyumi laughs nervously. "I think I better go." I stand up. "Oh but you just got here." Rei says. "I know. Your kids are here. And I need to speak to Midnight." I hug them all. "Please don't let it slip out that I'm his mother." I begged in Natsu's ear. "I'm sorry." I open the door and look back. We waved. I walk out. "Sir you can't come in there." I hear. I round the corner. "She's my wife. I need to see her." The security was holding Enji back. "Enji." I call. He looks at me. "Satō. What are you doing here?" "I was visiting Rei. Come on. Her children are with her." I take the flowers from him and hand it to a doctor. "Please give this to Mrs. Todoroki. She'll know who it's from." I grab Enji and pull him out. "Have you gotten stronger?" "Maybe. Even if they allowed you in to see her, Natsuo's there and he doesn't want to see you. He doesn't even come home to see Fu because the memories of what you've done to them still lingers." I explain. "Which is all the more the reason why I need to be there." "I'm going to see Midnight." I tell him as he breaks free from my grip and walk away. He stops in his tracks. "And I want you to come." Enji turns around. Enji walks towards me and hugs me tightly. "Come on. Let's go rip the band-aid off." Enji walks to my car. I unlock it. I noticed Shoto was looking out of the window at us. I get in my car and drive off. I drive towards Midnight's house. "How's Eraserhead?" "Pretty sure he's fine. I haven't spoken to him since that day. I've had too much on my plate." I answer. "Or maybe you're avoiding him. For sleeping with Midnight." "What? No. God no. He came to our business. It's what we do." "I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the hospital scene. I don't think he called her there." "I'm still not mad over it. Or avoiding him. I want to see him again. I do. I've been preoccupied with class 1-A since he isn't back yet. Especially with Shoto." "Does he know that you birthed our son?" "Yours and Rei's son. Of course I didn't tell Aizawa. We're not close. The only person who knows outside of your family is Midnight. She didn't tell anyone." "You have feelings for Eraserhead." "I do not." "Y/N I know you. I know everything about you just like you know everything about me." "And yet you know nothing about Shoto." I spat, getting annoyed. "That was an unnecessary blow." "Was it though? It's your fault." "I know that. I didn't come here to get dragged through the mud." I pump the brakes. "Then get out." "I'm not leaving you. I'm here to support you." "Then do me a favor and shut the hell up Todoroki." I start driving again. I pull up to Midnight's a few minutes later. We get out and walk up to her house. I knock. "Coming!" I hear. My heart starts racing. I feel as Enji rubs my back in circles. Nemuri opens the door. "Well hello! If it isn't my favorite couple." She beams. "Why the long faces?" "We need to talk Nemuri." I choke out. "Did somebody die?" "Not yet." I reply. She steps back and we walk in. "I was just making tea. Make yourselves at home." She walks away. I sit in a chair across from the sofa. Enji sits on the arm of the chair next to me. "I know it hurts Y/N." Enji murmur as he wipe my tears. My leg shakes violently. I sniff. I jump up. "I can't do this." I start to leave but Enji grab me. "Y/N I'm right here with you. You got this." He sits me back down. He holds my hand and place his other one on top of my shaking thigh. Nemuri comes back with a tray with her tea. She place it on the table in front of the sofa. She sits down. "So what brings you two beautiful people here today?" I wipe my tears. "Sh-Shoto and I had a vision. A connected vision...about you." Nemuri gasps. "He gets premonitions now? Just like his mother." "Midnight please." I beg. "Okay okay. So, what was the vision about?" Midnight gives us some tea. My hands shake violently. Enji takes mine away from me. I look up at him. "It's okay." He nods. I burst into tears. I feel as Enji grabs me. "Y/N what's wrong?" She asks. Enji sighs. "With our son, they saw two visions. The first one, was of your death. The second one, was of you dying in the upcoming war. She doesn't know how." Enji answers as he continues to rub my back. My face was buried in his chest. "Hey, hey. Look at me." I feel as Nemuri pulls me away from Enji. "I'm okay with that. This is what we signed up for when we became heroes. To live, fight and die for this country. This is to be expected." "I can't lose you!" I scream. Nemuri pulls me into her arms. "I know. I'm sorry you both had to see that. This is out of our hands." "No it isn't. I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure we don't lose you or anyone on our team." Enji speaks. "That's sweet of you Enji but if it's my time, then it's my time. I'm okay with that. So how much time do I have left?" "Hawks said the war is coming in four months. That was a month ago." "So I have three months left to live. And I'm going to spend my last three months, doing what I love. Being a hero, a dominatrix and a teacher." Midnight pulled me away and wiped my tears. "Look at me. Things happen Y/N. This is who we are. And it's out of our hands. We've spent our lives together. At least I can say I lived a fabulous life with my best friend. I have no regrets and I'm not scared of dying. Just don't die on me. At least until you're a hundred. I'm trying to have ghost sex." I laugh. Midnight smiles. "I knew I could make you laugh. Now enough about me. Tell me about Shoto and his visions." Enji plants a kiss on my head as I wipe my last tears. "Well he first discovered them when Shouta was kidnapped. He said he saw him held hostage and the League of Villains infiltrated U.A." Nemuri gasps. "Really? Awe this is amazing! So tell me about this connected vision? How does that work?" "Based off our three physical encounters, it happens then. The first time was when Enji was in the hospital severely injured. I hugged him. The second time I hugged him again. That's when we saw you die. The third time was when I placed my hand on his forehead. He said he was feeling dizzy and he was burning up. We saw that you died in war." I explain as my voice slowly goes back to normal. "This is so cute! A mother and son bonding time. I wish I had a baby." "Nemuri!" "Y/N I'm dying in three months. Let me have this. Anyway, you two must be so proud." "Enji is. I just don't want him to know that I birthed him." "Oh you have to tell him. The kid's sharp, he might figure it out on his own." "He's also slightly dense. Also Natsu almost blurted it out earlier. He started to say how much Shoto and I look alike but Fuyumi stopped him." "You saw them? How are they?" "All grown up. They're not babies anymore. Rei looks good too." "God I didn't see them in so long. I need to see them. Make a bucket list and add that to it." Enji and I stayed over at Midnight's.
Shoto saw them hugging👀

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