Chapter Twenty-Three: Icy Hot vs Shigaraki and Giangtomachia

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Hiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

Since a certain amount of dosage can kill ten million people, my goal is to lure that big beast away from everyone and to get him alone. The best way for me to do that, is to aim it in its mouth. It's location isn't known but I do know that it answers to Shigaraki. There's a great chance that they're both together. I have no idea how the hell or where the hell they hide that thing but I'm going to find out. Enji is already going after All For One. Aizawa is using the student's copy quirk just like I told him. As for Touya, I mixed a few things together after some research and nullified his flame quirk permanently. I didn't need for him to ingest it, the smoke got on his skin an penetrated deeply. The police were able to take him away. I also upgraded my hero costume. I added a few pockets just to store a few envelopes. Every civilian is at U.A and the heroes are far out of reach. I'm currently on the run, looking for any signs of the beast and Shigaraki. I start to see giant prints. Hand prints and foot prints. Big enough to be Gigantomachia's. I follow the trail. I will be damned if Shigaraki heals. Star and Stripe will not go down in vein. I see it. I think it's asleep. I start throwing rocks at it. It twitches. I throw another big rock. It wakes up. It looks around and looks at me. "You are one ugly son of a-" it screams, cutting me off. I take off running. Running back to where I came from. This thing is fast. I start to see debris decaying. Fuck Shigaraki was close too. "I'm gonna kill you Icy Hot!" "Try to catch me first!" I laugh, enjoying this little cat and mouse game. Ice comes out in front of me and I slide on it. I continue to slide. I turn around as huge debris come towards me. I burn it as I slide backwards on ice. I turn back around as I make a left, laughing as I slide on ice. I was back in Tokyo. I stand on the tip of my ice. "Come on!" I encourage. The beast swing it's arms in my direction as I jump, flipping in the air. I land on its back. "You're mine!" Shiggy yells. I dodged out of the way. "No." I smile wide. Shigaraki grabs my arm. I activate my healing quirk. "How are you not decaying?!" I laugh. "If I tell ya, I'mma have to kill ya." I tease. I grab the hand that was on my arm. I break it, causing him to scream. "Is that all you got? Where is the big bad Shigaraki that took down Star and Stripe?" "That bitch's quirk nearly destroyed me." "Oh?" I laugh. Good. That means he's not fully recovered nor is he completely All for One. "But I'm going to steal your healing quirk. And when I do, I'll be unstoppable." I laugh as I dodge out of his way. "I don't think you want to do that. I'm warning you now." The beast suddenly come to a halt and I fly off. I land on my back. "Now is that a way to treat a lady?" I ask. Gigantomachia's hand lifts up and takes a swing at me. I back flip out of the way. "I am getting too old for this shit." I pant. Shigaraki comes down. He walk towards me. "You know it's really fucking creepy to wear hands of dead relatives all over your body. Weirdo." I taunt. "You'll be next on my list." "Great. I'm in your hit list too? I must be special. You better take me out before Stain does." "I intend to."  He touches the ground, decaying it. I flip into the air. Shigaraki is in the air seconds later, grabbing me by the throat. "You were saying?" He sneers. I take out the bottle with the remaining poison. Looking past Shigaraki, I toss it. It lands in Gigantomachia's mouth. "One down. One to go." I say as Shigaraki slam my body to the ground. "Why aren't you decaying?!" He screams. "Probably because I'm already dead." I say as I kick him off me. I backflip back up as his body flies away from me. I hear a bone crack as he tried to land on his feet. A broken hand and a broken foot. This child is still going. He raise the debris and aim them at me. I jump in the air as my body flips and turns out of the way. I kick one away from me. I land on my feet. I bend my body backwards as another one comes directly at me. "Is that all you got?" I taunt. Shigaraki starts scratching. He scratches fast. I can see Gigantomachia dead out of my peripheral vision. "Don't you know your partner's dead?" I ask. "He was just a pet. A pawn. Nothing more." "More like your secret weapon." I snort. I send flames in his way. He walks through it, still scratching. He starts to use whatever quirk he stole, against me. "Now you're fighting dirty!" I cheer. Majority of the quirks used, were familiar to me. It made the fight against him more difficult. Especially the quirks I was unfamiliar with. "Looks familiar to you? Then this one should hit close to home." Shigaraki says. A pink aroma comes out of his skin. Somnambulist. More specifically, Midnight's Somnambulist. I back flip repeatedly out of range. Anger washed over me. "I stole her quirk right before feeding her to Gigantomachia." Shigaraki yells. Anger washed over me. I was filled with rage. Memories of Nemuri flashed before my eyes. I stomp my foot, screaming. My body set on fire. I raise the temperature rapidly. I went past my limit, feeling it burn my body. I charge towards Shigaraki. I punch him, sending him flying. As he was still in the air, I jump up and grab his throat. I body slam him to the ground. I burn the mask off his face as I punch him in the face repeatedly. Shigaraki laughs as I punch him. "Your quirk is mine." He says as he holds me with one working hand. I can feel all of my quirks leave my body. He tosses me when he's done. Shigaraki gets up. "Now I am unstoppable." He says as he steps closer to me. "W-What's happening? What's...h-happening to me?" He asks. I cough up blood. "The world's deadliest poison. Polonium-210. When you stole my quirks, they were tainted with poison and now it's in your system. Eating away your organs. Your blood cells. Your quirks. My healing can't save all of your quirks. This poison doesn't nullify when I raise the temperature but it actually gets more deadly." I say as I wipe blood off my mouth. "You bitch!" He screams as he gets closer to me. I can feel my heartbeat slow down. Shigaraki grabs my throat, choking me. He then falls on top of me and dies. I push him off me. "T-That's for Midnight...and Star and Stripe." I fall backwards and close my eyes, listening to my heartbeat get more and more feint.
Still in my sad girl hours🤧

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