Chapter Nineteen: Poison

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Hiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

Polonium-210 is an isotope of polonium. It undergoes alpha decay to stable ²⁰⁶Pb with a half-life of 138.376 days, the longest half-life of all naturally occurring polonium isotopes. Ingesting just 50 ng or inhaling 10 ng of polonium can cause death. One gram of polonium-210 is sufficient to poison and can kill about 10 million people.

I haven't spoken to anyone since the pro heroes meeting. I ended up going home to my house to avoid others. I found the deadliest poison. It's good with decaying as well. Unfortunately it's not a liquid and are to find. It can be found in the earth's crust. I had to get it purified when I got here through the dark web. I hear banging on my door as I unpack. I grab my sword and walk quietly downstairs. The banging gets crazier by the second. I look out through the peephole. I sigh as I opened the door. "What do you want?" I ask. "Why do you have a sword?" "In case I was about to get robbed." I step back, letting him in. I close the door and walk upstairs. "What do you want?" I repeat as I walk upstairs. I put my sword away. "Y/N are you insane?!" "Yes, but what are you talking about?" "You're going to do a suicide mission?!" Enji barks. "How the hell do you know about that?" "Eraser Head. Yeah he came to me and told me everything. He was losing his mind. What is wrong with you?" "Oh I don't know, maybe I'm thinking about saving Japan and the world?!" I sarcastically asked. "We can find another way. You have a son and a daughter!"  "Yeah I'm aware of that Todoroki." "You will die!" "Then I can finally be with Midnight." I snap as I go back to unpacking. Enji turns me around and hugs me tightly. "Let me go." "I should have known you weren't fine. That you haven't gotten over her death so soon. Y/N you're still grieving and that's fine. I want you to take time off. Don't think about the world. Just think about yourself and your children. I'm pulling you off this mission. I'm truly sorry I couldn't save her." I shove him off. "How dare you?! Trying to make me stay home and hide while the world is in danger? I'm a hero Enji this is my job." "I know that Y/N! So many have quit already. You need to retire." "No!" "No?" "No!" "Y/N think about your family for once!" "I am! It's either me or them and I'm not about to let a bunch of monsters wipe out any more families including mine!" "Y/N I'm not asking. I'm demanding you to retire. Stop putting others above yourself for once!" "Do you understand how heartless you sound? Shoto has a mother. And Eri will be okay because she has Shouta." "She needs her mother. They both do!" "Oh really? Because you didn't think about that when you shipped Rei to the fuckin loony bin now did you?" "I'm learning from my mistakes. That's why you cannot do this." "You're not my father Endeavor and you damn sure ain't my partner!" Enji grabs my arm. "I may not be your partner but I am not going to allow the mother of my son kill herself for the world." "Oh so you can be a hero and I can't? You can die for this world and I can't? That's sexist as fuck." "No I'm not being sexist. Our son can live without me. But children need their mothers the most. I'm not trying to take the hero title away from you. I'm trying to prevent you from making the biggest mistake of your life." "My biggest mistake was falling in love with you and being your surrogate." "You can hurt me all you want but don't you dare put our son in the middle of this." He growls. "I don't regret birthing him. I just wish someone else was his father." Enji closes his eyes and sighs. "Please Y/N. I love you so much, and I always will. Your kids love you. Eraser Head loves you. Don't do it for me, but do it for them. Please I am begging you." He softly says as he drop to his knees. Enji hugs my waist, crying. "Enji don't." "Please!" "Don't make this harder than it already is Todoroki." I held back tears. "They need you!" "I know that." Enji looks up at me. "Then let me do it." "No." I reject. "Y/N." "No." "Then we do it together." "Hell no." "Why not?" "Because you don't have healing quirk." "So heal me." "I can't. It doesn't work effectively if it's on skin. If inhaled or injected, it attacks your organs and blood cells immediately. It's radioactive and it's alpha particle radiation damages DNA. On a certain dosage, it can kill ten million people. It's basically the more fucked up version of Shigaraki's decay quirk and Cyanide Poisoning put together. I'll give it to that monster and have it in my system so Shigaraki's quirk will be useless on me. You know my healing quirk can only heal my internal organs and blood cells. With you, it'll only heal your skin. You. Will. Die." I explain. "What the fuck?! Y/N no you're not doing this!" "ENJI! Just please let me do this. I know what I'm doing. And if I die...then I die." I pull out a gas mask. "Put this on. I don't want you inhaling it." I say as I give it to him. I grab the bottle of poison. "Baby please." Enji begs. I open the bottle. He throws the gas mask as I bring the bottle to my lips. "What're you doing? Put that on." "No. We're in this together." Enji takes my free hand and kiss it. He wrap his arm around me tightly as he squeeze me. I take a sip. My face scrunch up. I swallowed. Immediately I wanted to vomit. Enji plants a kiss on my temple. "Activate it." I shake my head no. I can feel it attacking everything in my body already. I close the bottle with shaky hands. My vision blurs. "Hey are you okay?" I hear faintly. I feel his arms around me. The bottle slips out of my hand. "Look at me. Can you hear me?" I look towards his direction as he held my balance. "Y/N!" My vision was completed gone and my hearing stopped after I heard my name. Then I feel something hot on me. Really really hot. Like fire. I open my mouth to scream but I can't hear anything. I then feel my body slowly regenerating, fighting against the poison. Probably my healing quirk. I get my vision and hearing back. I close my mouth when I heard myself screaming. I can see Enji's flames. He set me on fire. "Oh thank God you're okay." He breathes. He turns his flames off. "This is a bad idea. We're not doing this." "I'm fine." I say in a low raspy voice. "Fine? Y/N you lost your vision and couldn't hear yourself scream for two minutes straight. This is too dangerous. More dangerous than I could ever imagine. Had I not set you on fire, you'd be dead. Your healing didn't respond to the poison and took too long to fully recover you once I set you on fire. We're done with this plan." "Where's the bottle?" I ask. "No!" I get out of bed. I stumble as I look around for it. "Where is it?" "Y/N stop." "Where is it Todoroki?!" I yell. "Y/N look at you! Why are you so eager to die?!" Enji barks. He grabs my arm, yanking me. He forced me to look at him. "W-Why? Do you hate me so much that you would rather die?" He asks barely audible. I stare at him, getting a better look. He's filled with pain, terror, worry, and guilt while pleading. "This isn't about you. Or me. Or us. This is about saving the world so we can live peacefully. So every child can continue to see tomorrow and keep their hopes up of being a hero. I want class 1-A and 1-B to be able to continue going to school. I want the next generation to have the opportunity to live and chase after their dreams. Just like you told me you're willing to die for Japan, I am willing to die for this world." I reply in my raspy voice. My throat hurts so bad. "But Y/N this is different." "How so?" "Because I'm not shit. I became a terrible person. A terrible husband and father. The only thing good about me is being a hero. When I die, I'm not going to be missed. I lost my family. That's on me. It was all me. You have everything to lose. Your family will be heartbroken when you die. Japan will miss you. I will miss you. Our son and your daughter will miss you. Eraser Head will miss you. I'm not going to watch the mother of my son kill herself." "Then leave." "And then what? You overdose on poison and die in here alone? I'm not leaving you." Enji sits me down on my bed and gets on his knees in front of me. "Before you ask, if this was Rei and not you I'd still say the same thing. Please don't abandon your children. Don't choose the world over them." "I'm not abandoning them. I'm thinking about them." I look at Enji. "I'm not going to die. That's why I need to train my body to become immune to this poison." He takes my hand. "Then I'll help you." "You can't. You're the number one hero. They need you." I softly say as I hold his face. My thumb gently rub his burn. He press his face into my hand. "I can handle being a hero and helping you. But it'd be easier if you come back to the school." "No I can't." "You can. You have us." "No Enji I truly can't. A small dosage will wipe out Japan. I can't have this around people let alone kids." Enji closes his eyes and nods. "Right. Fuck. Fine. I'll just drive back and forth. Don't increase your dosage when I'm gone." "Okay I won't. I really hope this works." "What did it feel like?" "Excruciating. It's a pain worse than my blue flames. It was eating every cell and organ in my body. You managed to set me on fire just before it attack my heart thoroughly. And it's a great chance that I won't be able to produce any more children." His face fell. He was silent for a while. "No you can't keep doing this. You deserve to have more children. And I'm not saying this because I want to put a baby in you but because I know how it'll be. It really destroyed Rei so much for being robbed of having the opportunity to have more. She was so depressed and hurt. I know this because it was the one time I saw her as my wife, my partner, and my lover. She kept blaming herself over and over again. I don't want to see you go through the same thing Rei went through." "You want to put a baby in me?" I ask. "After everything I just said, that's all you heard out of it?" "No I heard everything else. Being a mom and having kids is never on my agenda. Rei is meant to have babies. She's mother material." "Then why did you adopt Eri?" "I melted. I want to protect her. I feel like if someone else was her mom, they'd leave her too. Or try to kill her. I want to be her safety net." "You're an amazing mother. Shoto and Eri both need you." "I know that. That's why I want to do this successfully." "I can't talk you out of this can I?" I shake my head no. Enji goes into his back pocket. "Please don't overdo it." He gives me the bottle. "And please for the love of God, activate your quirk." "Fine, I will." Enji kiss my forehead. "I love you." He tells me. "I know." Enji leaves my room. "Lock my door!" I yell after him. I put the poison on my dresser and climb into bed. I grab my phone and go to my contacts. My thumb hover over his phone number. I decided against it. I'll talk to Aizawa later.
I need a new job so bad😭

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