Chapter25: Worries

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"Kiyomasa... die."

Everyone was startled at the words escaped from Takemichi's mouth.

On that time Draken gained his consciousness that goes unnoticed by takemichi.

Draken was surprised that the ravenette can have such a murderous expression.

Takemichi slowly approach kiyomasa. No one of his freinds is stopping him because they we're frozen with shock.

The goons run to takemichi to stop him not realising that was a mistake that they will regret.

Takemichi start punching and kicking them knocking the life out of the goons effortlessly like he doesn't have a deep cut in his stomach in the first place.

By knocking the goons out Takemichi was going straight to kiyomasa.

Kiyomasa was frozen he can't move because of the darkness he was seeing surrounding takemitchi. It was terrifying

Kiyomasa unconsciously took a step back and tripped that couse him to fell in his but.

"Do you know what suffering means kiyomasa?"

The ravenette asked emotionleslly

Kiyomasa is to scared to even talk or even breath. He even forgot how to breath in a second there.

"I will make you know how it was like."

With that takemichi paused.

He bent down to kiyomasa's level and pull his hair and starts punching his face.

"I'll destroy you, right here and now."

Takemichi was about to kick kiyomasa in the face hard but instead draken came on his way.


"I will not let you kill him!"

But Takemichi didn't budge. He didn't noticed Baji who was sneaking behind his back.

"I said Move."

"Baji now!"

Draken shouted. Baji used a wooden bat to hit takemichi's head.


The four of them planned this. Draken will distract takemichi by getting on his way and baji will sneak behind to hit takemichi's head. At first no one agreed to this but since nothing can stop him by getting him unconscious thats the only way. So they told baji to dont hit him hard though Ema and Draken didnt believe at baji at first when he said he will do it but when baji said he was takemichi's friend they have a little trust on him on doing it. While baji was wondering why will Draken and Ema will disagree.


And with that Takemichi went unconscious.

All four of them let out a deep exhausted sigh. They barely even breathe when Takemichi started beating everyone up.

The ambulance arrived then draken and Takemichi went inside the ambulance.

Both of them we're send to hospital.


2 days have passed and takemichi is still unconscious while draken woke up a day ago and forced to stay 3 more days in the hospital.

Those who saw Takemichi out of control act as if nothing happened though they we're still worried about Takemichi's physical and mental state. They didn't tell anyone about what happened.


a low growl can be heard inside a hospital room.

That growl made the people around the person to be relieved and happy.

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