Chapter 6: long time no see

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Takemichi is packing his things up for his departure he have 4 more days until he go to America.



Someone knocked at the door takemichi approached the door and oppened it he saw someone very familiar to him.

"Yo mitchy long time no see."

There takemichi saw a man with white hair and purple beutiful eyes

"U-Uncle izana."

"Yeah thats me.." the man name izana said

"What are you doing here uncle?" Takrmichi ask izana.

"Am i not allowed to visit you? And didnt i told you to stop calling me uncle im still 14 you making me sound old." Izana complained

Izana enters the house and saw takemichi packing. He sat down the soft sofa

"Where are you going?" Ask the white haired man izana

"Im going to America with my grandma." Takemichi answers while continuing packing the things he need.

"Hmm... thats bad but your lucky you have family.." izana said

"Listen izana ni-chan im your family there is uncle manjirou aunt emma grandpa sano im sure they will welcome you." Takemichi said

"Im not sure about that were not blood related."Izana said. Izana might be a secretive sometimes he is open with takemichi he tells him some secrets and his problems.

"Blood related or not your a family. Family is not by blood it is by bond of the family." Takemichi said to cheer izana up

"Haaa.. i felt like a kid in front of you. Youre younger but you're the one that giving me advice."

"Knowledge and superiority is not about age its about how much you learn and discovers." Takemichi said while smirking.

"Shut up." Izana said with a super angry face

"Hahahhahahah" takemichi burst out laughing "y-you should pft see your f-face
He said.

Now izana is very embarrassed his face is red from embarrassment.

It take a while for takemichi to stop laughing.

"Ya know i will think about your advice."

"I didnt think you will follow my advice."

"Why not?." Izana ask

"Because you're stubborn as hell." Takemic hi i said pointing at izana.

"What!? Like youre the one to talk shinichiro ni-san told me your very stubborn." Izana throw back the insult

"You are the one who is stubborn." Takemichi said sticking out his tongue being childish again.

"Sigh just shut up will ya."

Takemichi now stop sticking his tongue

"When will you leave anyway?" Izana ask with a sad tone

"4 days from now but i will comeback after 3 years i will just study there."

"Hmm.. becareful while your away tell me who ever hurts you i will... kill them." Izana said with bloodlust coming out of him

Takemichi sweatdropped at what Izana just said. 'Its not like im gonna get killed or something. i swear him and kakuchan is super duper protective.' Takemichi though

Speak of the devil kakucho was on his way entering the house.

"Yo Takemichi. Long time no see." A black haired man with red eyes and scar near his eyes

"Kakuchan!" Takemichi ran to kakucho hugging him.

"Woah woah slow down mitchy." Kakucho said to takemichi.

Now izana is glaring at them he is jealous beacause takemichi didnt greeted him like that instead he just said 'why are you here?'
And kakucho being hugged by takemichi because kakucho is his boyfriend.

Takemichi released kakucho when he feel izana's glare.

"Took you long enough." Izana said

"Oh.. sorry about that but here i brought this." Kakucho said holding a bag full of snacks.

Takemichi and Izana eyes sparkled.

""Oh! Do you have dorayaki or taiyaki."" Izana and takemichi said in unison.

"Yeah i know you both like it so i brought some."

"So mitchy i heard about your freind umm what is his name again mmmmm Ah! Sotara." Izana said getting the wrong name

"...Its sora you idiot." Takemichi said with a rather depressed tone.

Izana look at him and he punch takemichi in the face.

"Hey! what was that for!?" Takemichi shouted

"Stop getting depressed shinichiro ni-san wont be happy if you make that kind of expression." Izana said concern.

Takemichi is surprised at what he just said because izana is not the type who will comfort you that way takemichi kept silent until izana talked.

"You look ugly when your depressed so stop." He said

Now takemichi is mad he thought izana changed but no he is still tbe same. But he knows izana cares for him thats why he said that but he can't help it he is really pissed.

Takemichi throw the can of soft drink that he drunk just now.

Now izana is mad as well. While kakucho was just looking at the both of them while eating popcorn like he was watching a movie.

The both starts fighting until.

"Lets go outside im gonna beat you up." Izana said.

"You are the one gonna get beaten up." Takemichi said sticking his tunge out while putting his finger under his eye.

"Stop it both of you!" Kakucho scream

"Shut up Kakucho/kakuchan!" Both of them said. Kakucho didnt stop them afraid that he might die if he did.

As both of them go outside they starts fighting. While kakucho is looking at them worried.

"Come on you shrimp." Izana said

"..What did you just call me?"

Then takemichi jump to izana and hammer kick him on the head but izana block it.

Izana targeted takemichi face and punch it but takemichi dodged it.

Takemichi has the upperhand when it comes to speed but izana is greater in strength.

They keep fighting until they got exhausted.

As they got tired they both collapse on the floor.

They were both panting while they look at each other face they burst out laughing because both of them have black eye. While kakucho took a sigh of relief.

They go inside the house treating their wounds. Kakucho and Izana is flirting at each other while takemichi enters his room not wanting to disturb them.

Time passed by then izana and kakucho bid their goodbye.

"Bye mitchy have a safe trip to america." Izana said.

"Yeah he is right mitchy make sure to eat 3 times or more a day dont forgot to brush your teeth dont forget to eat healthy foods and bla bla bla." Kakucho give takemichi a very very long speech

"Yes yes i will and i want to say i really had fun with both of you guys." Takemichi said

""Bye mitchy"" they said in unison

"Bye Izana Ni-san kakuchan."

After that takemichi go to his room and fall asleep

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