Chapter18: decision

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Its been days when the meeting ended.

Right now Mikey, Draken and takemichi is in a resturant hanging out for the 7th time this 4 days.

But this time its Takemichi who asked them to hang out. He had a bad feeling something bad is gonna happen between this two.

"What the hell is this!?" Mikey said disapointed and angry.

"Ill never forgive this!" This time its takemichi who speak with disappointed look.

""There's no flag!"" Both of them pointed at their kiddie meals that dont have flag.

"I bought kiddie meal because i was excited 
About the flag." Mikey said pouting while takemichi nodded at his statement. Both of them look away while pouting.

"Im sorry I'll go bring it now." The staff bowed and apologized.

"Here both of you." Draken put a flag in each kiddie meal.

""Ahh! Youre the best kenchin!"" Both Mikey and takemichi has sparkles int heir eyes.

'Both of them is very similar in some aspects.' Drakken look at both of the kids he was taking care off.

After eating the meal mikey fell asleep while takemichi was in a verge of sleeping.

"I've had enough!" Drakken was mad at two man child.

"Yawn* dont worry im awake." Takemichi woke up from his short slumber.

"You really should fix you're habit sleeping right after you sleep." Draken told mikey who was sleeping comfortably in a resturant.

Draken just carry mikey from his back because he is sleeping while takemichi is walking from behind holding draken shirt half asleep.

"Sheesh, both of you are hopeless." Draken sighed walking out of the resturant.

Now the three of them are walking to their destination or more like draken and takemichi we're walking.

"Mikey we're here." Drakken said in front of a hospital.

"What are we here for?" Mikey woke up.

"A little visit."


"Pah's freinds girlfreind." Draken informed.

"The said she can't walk now they said she needs operatation and rehabilitation to walk again and she had many bruises." Takemichi explained her condition while looking down.

"How do you know about her?" Mikey asked

"Well actually i was the one who saved her from those meobius bastards." Takemichi explained.

"Dont you dare show your faces here! Get lost!" A man suddenly shouted at them.

Drakken bowed for an apology while mikey just stand there without nothing same goes for takemichi.

"My daughter nearly died because of you guys!" The man again shouted while his wife is calming him down.

"You dont have to bow kenchin. We did nothing wrong. Why is this old man taking it out on us anyway?" What mikey said made the man more furious.

"You worthless imbeciles! You are garbage to society with all those annoying noises you make allnight! " the man keep shouting words that mikey didnt like.

Draken put his hand on top of mikeys head and made him bow for an apology and respect.

"My daughter can't walk anymore her body is full of wounds...Why? Just what did he even do to you guys?" The said man starts crying with his wife. Takemichi looks down and clench his fist because he thought he arrived in time but no.

"Calm down mister... remember me?"
Takemichi pointed at himself than patted the man's shoulder though he is short takemichi is not that short to not reach it.

"You... you're the one who saved my daughter." Takemichi smiled at the man

"I will make sure that guy who did this to your daughter will pay." Suddenly takemichi's expression changes into a angry but still cold face.

Mikey and draken walk away while not noticing they left takemichi behind.

"And you can perform the operation. I will pay." After that takemichi walks away even though the man was calling out for him.

"im sorry kenchin you too takemichi ... im glad that both of you were here with me."

"Stop with that face Mikey kun its not like you at all." Takemichi pointed out.

'Draken really is important to mikey. Draken fills whatever Uncle mikey lacks... even i will not imagine what will happen to toman when they were not together.' Takemichi walks with draken and mikey out of the hospital to eat again because mikey is hungry again.


So guys thanks for 10k reads

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