chapter 4: new friend

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Takemichi pov

Its now Monday and we have school today. I get out of my bed, eat breakfast, take a bath and wear my school uniform.

As i got out i saw sen-chan and takeomi-san waiting for me.

No one's POV

The boy walk to them and waved.

"Good morning Takeomi-san, Sen-chan." He said smiling brightly

Takeomi covers his eyes and mumbles "too bright."

"Good morning mitchy!" Sanju said with a bright smile as well

Time skip

The two kods wave their goodbye to takeomi. As they walk in the school senju ask a question.

"Mitchi why do you use the name hanagaki at school not sano?"

"My dad told me to use that name to be protected since he is famous in world of delinquents people might start targeting me" takemichi answers.

"Oh. Okay then next question..... why do you wear glasses at school? it makes your eyes looks smaller and you look like a nerd." Senju asked

"Umm lets see.. i wear glasses so i dont attracts many attention cuz almost everyone says my eyes is pretty and i hate attentions." He answers 

"Last question, why do you pretend to be weak?"

"What do you mean?" Takemichi ask tilting his head

"Last friday i saw people bullying you and making you their dog. Why dont you fight them. Takeomi ni-chan  said you are a martial arts prodigy." Sanju ask another question

"...Lets just say they dont deserve getting beat up by me and just as i said earlier i dont want attentions."


"Then its my turn to ask a question."

"Sure what is it?"

"I heard takeomi san talking about a younger brother do you perhaps have another brother?" Takemichi questioned

"Oh! Yeah haru yeah he is my older brother."

As they talk senju didn't notice she was already near her classroom.

"Senju your here."

"Oh! I didn't notice..let's eat together at lunchtime ok. Ni-chan cook food for both of us but its too many i hink we wont be abble to eat all of it" Sanju said

"Ok." Takemichi said

Takemichi walks to his own classroom but first he goes to the bathroom and saw a kid with glasses getting beaten up.

Takemichi saw a teacher and call for help. The teacher scolded the bullies.

Then takemichi approached the kid.

"Hello,My name is takemichi, hanagaki takemichi, whats your name? A haven't seen you here before are you perhaps a transfer student?" Takemichi said

The kid didn't respond he just look at takemichi with terrified expression.

"Dont worry i will not hurt you." Takemichi said while smiling

"K-kisaki, Kisaki Tetta and im not a transfer student i just dont go out of my classroom at lunchtime" the kid named kisaki said

"Oh then nice to meet you kisa-kun" Takemichi says

"Kisa-kun?" Kisaki asked tilting his head

"Yeah thats your nickname from now on we'll be freinds."

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