"Go on lay down. Can't watch the sky sitting straight." She spoke softly again as he laid his head beside her trying to see the beauty that she saw. Wiggling his feet back and forth he wondered what was so special above them. The sky looked as it did anywhere. A pale blue and puffy clouds, nothing spectacular. The way she watched was as if she had never seen the outdoors before. "I'm Luanne. Pleasure to watch the skies with you."

"Uh, I'm Josh. Luanne? After the Foreigner song?" The minute he spoke the words he pinched the skin on his palm. If it wasn't the Foreigner song he was going to feel ridiculous and have to come up with an excuse to leave. "My dad loved them. Minute I popped out it was settled. Luanne Faye Clarke. Can tell my parents didn't think about the repercussions of naming their daughter Luanne in the 90's." She laughed as she talked filling him with warmth. There was no hesitation in telling him about herself.

"Joshua Michael Kiszka isn't all that creative. How long have you been here? I haven't seen you here before today." He asked hoping she'd continue the conversation.

"See that beige PT Cruiser. Just managed to get it out here from home this morning. Making my way out to Texas for a job and have made a road trip out of it. Didn't think about how long it would take driving. How long have you been here?" She turned her head to him then making him attempt to breathe quieter before running his hand through his hair out of nervous habit.

"Few days. We are heading to Texas too, San Antonio actually. My brothers and I play small shows here and there. Been here for three days resting. Playing bars gets tiring with the late nights. You want to meet them, we are about to make lunch?" Christ. He just met her, she doesn't want to hangout with them.

"I'm starving! Let's go." She rose from the ground then grabbing ahold of little tan sneakers and a small bag.

Following Josh to his brothers she must have thought she'd gone insane. She just met him. He was quite nice though. Nice enough to offer her free food. She watched his back as they walked over. He had curly hair encircling his head giving him a 70's vibe along with light blue flowing pants with an Elton John t-shirt hanging loosely on his shoulders. If his brothers were just as nice as he was they would get along just fine.

Rounding the corner 3 boys around Josh's height stood around a pot of water on a grill making an absolute mess of things. The one with the darkest hair scolded the other two laughing at the overflowing water bubbling along the coals. She watched him clear his throat dragging their attention from the chaos to her.

"This is Luanne she's heading the same way we are. Drives the car we saw earlier with the cool stickers." Josh looked to her with a smile then making her grin back. She found her stickers to be quite cool herself.

"I'm Jake the twin brother. As you can see the resemblance." She could see the resemblance slightly, Jake's features were sharper and more refined than Josh though.

"I'm Danny, not a technical brother but you could say we are basically related." This made much more sense as he did not look similar to them at all. He did however have a wide warm smile that brought ease to her mind.

"Of course I am last. Sam. The baby of the three. I like your shirt." Luanne looked down as he shook her hand to see her tan shirt with The Doors on it that was far too big on her.

"Thanks, may I ask what the hell you all are doing with a pot of water like that? It could explode." The boys held sheepish smiles looking at her. "We wanted spaghetti. Didn't want to look up how to make it this way."

"I think you have a good set up boys. Very efficient." Josh spoke up trying to hide his sarcasm with a grin earning Sam flipping him off and the other two rolling their eyes.

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now