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To start off this crazy story that is my life- I guess I should start at the beginning. I was born a little Gemini baby in the busy Saint Petersburg, Russia on June 18th. Vivian McBride is what my parents decided to call me. I lived a very poor childhood in our tiny one bedroom apartment. I had almost no friends growing up and was an extremely sheltered kid. Being that my parents were extreme Christians, my parents wouldn't let me around any "worldly" things for bad influences- that meant keeping me out of public school. My best friend was my cat, pinky and my favorite thing in the world was keeping myself entertained by movies and books. I studied all of the beautiful American Hollywood actresses and actors and I desperately wanted to be them. I knew every since I was small that I was going to be an actress one day.
My mom homeschooled me up until I hit the summer of sixth grade. She had found a job in a button factory and with her and my dad being gone through the day , that meant I finally got to experience public school!!
Me being the theatrical extremist that I was- and completely lacking self awareness, I decided that I was going to be the prettiest 7th grader at my new school. For the whole month of July I sewed and made all my clothes just like the actresses in Hollywood... I got my mom to bring me all of the clothing accessories and buttons scraps from the factory and I did the best I could to make my whole new wardrobe.

On the first day of school I shot up out of bed and put on my pre planned outfit. I wore a black silk dress with black rhinestones all over it, paired with a feather cover up. I tried to curl my hair and even wore makeup for the first time behind my moms back. It was dark brown eyeshadow, mascara, and fire truck red lipstick just like Marilyn Monroe. I walked to my new school confident as ever.
As I entered, kids and teachers stared at me in awe. At the time I thought it was because they couldn't believe how beautiful I looked, but now I understand that they were shocked that a seventh grader had the balls to show up looking like that. I mean I looked like a baby prostitute. My hair was horribly frizzy, my lipstick was smeared, and I was wearing work boots with my outfit! Any ways for the whole first week of school I came home crying because no one wanted to be my friend. I tried so hard to make the other kids laugh and fit in but they were so different compared to my sheltered humor and personality. I was a reject.
Finally about a month into the year I decided to give up and just stick to myself at school until one day In class, a teacher walked in with a new student.

"Class, this is Vladimir... he's new to the school. I'd like you to all welcome him!... Vladimir come to the front and tell us about yourself."
The teacher announced as the new kid shyly walked to the front of the class.

He was a skiddish and skinny white kid with side swept dirty blonde hair. He had porcelain skin, full lips and huge bright blue eyes. His pretty and girlish features were a harsh contrast with his serious and unamused demeanor and permanent resting bitch face.

"Hi I'm Vladimir, i like spy movies and judo... I don't really like school."
He said unapologetically to the class with his soft and very matter of fact tone. I observed as girls whispered and giggled to each other about him as the twiddled their thumbs and twirled their hair.

"Son, don't you want to say anything else about yourself?"
The teacher pried as Vladimir stood there, giving zero facial expressions.

"Yeah I don't really like teachers either."
He announced to the class as the teacher stood in disbelief next to him. All of the girls led out loud nervous and giggly laughter. He studied all of the girls as they ogled at him, he didn't even let out a smile.

"Okay Vladimir time to find your seat."
The teacher motioned to the open seats.

"Sit here!" "No sit here!" "Vladimir sit with me!"
The girls shouted at him like if he was a shiny new toy to play with.

He studied all of us in the room until we locked eyes, he saw that I was the only girl who stayed quiet and that there was an open seat next to me. He made his way over and sat down
"Hi Vladimir, I'm vivian"
I introduced myself nervously.

"Hi vivian... you have a booger in your nose"
He replied with sharp wit and a soft smile

I was so embarrassed as I covered my nose and searched desperately for a tissue in my bag.

"No! Nooo! I'm just kidding! Your fine"
He let out a soft laugh

"Oh my god, I totally fell for it!"
I giggled back at him as the popular girls snared at me in jealous rage.

"You totally don't have a booger in your nose vivian! But you do have lipstick in your teeth!"
He clapped back

"You totally don't have a booger in your nose vivian! But you do have lipstick in your teeth!" He clapped back

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From that moment on, Vladimir and I spent all of our time together. Hanging out in class, walking home together and even hanging out after school at each other's places! We had become best friends. We would talk, laugh and play games all the time. He loved to fight the other boys and get into all kinds of mischief at school though, meaning he also kept me protected from bullies. I would eat ice cream and sit and watch him at his judo lessons and he would even reenact my favorite movies with me in private. He wouldn't be caught dead doing that in front of people though! We were practically family and stayed inseparable all throughout middle school and high school.

Tell me I'm your national anthem (a Vladimir putin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now