The Change of Plans

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       "Let go, I don't want you to hold me." I said grumpily, trying to pry my Mate's large hands off of my waist.

       It was quite a hard task, considering the fact that a small part of me didn't really want him to let go.

       Okay, a large part.

When I made a move to escape Bron's lap and hold, his arms wrapped around me further and pulled me even closer into him. But despite the pleasant sparks dancing across my skin from his touch, I pushed away from him.

       "No. My decision is final." He said firmly, with an irritated edge in his voice.

       "I don't understand!" I said, almost just as irritated. "I'm going to be okay! I'll be with you!"

       The mood within the Dining Room changed as soon as the strange conversation with Ny-ell had ended. I was excited at the idea of going to see the Fairy, but Bron immediately turned to me and informed me that I'd be staying here, in the Castle while he went alone.

      And I did not care for that decision at all.

       "Annabella, you heard him speaking of strange people in his house. I'm not letting you accompany me until I know that there is no threat." His voice came out deep and authoritative.

        My frown deepened. It deepened, because I knew his reasoning made at least some sense.

        I suppose he was right. It was true, we had no clue who Ny-ell was speaking of. Still, I didn't want to be left behind. I was anxious to see my friend again after our little spat. And I was also eager to see Otis and how he was doing.

       I looked over my shoulder at Bron, who nostrils flared as he took deep breaths. My stubbornness lightened at the sight of his effort to remain calm. I needed to keep in mind that my Mate was trying; It wasn't too long ago that he would have simply locked me in the Library, or that white bedroom.

I sighed and gave up, leaning back into his tingling embrace with a huff.

       He let out a sigh of relief.

"I don't want to wait here alone..." I mumbled.

I felt his nose behind my ear, grazing the sensitive skin slowly. "I'll be back. Once I assess the situation, I'll return to bring you there."

       "Doesn't it seem like a bit much? To go back and forth..." I said.

       He growled at that.

"What if Tal brought me?" I suggested excitedly. "You could inform him once it's safe, and then we'll come to you! That way you wouldn't need to go to Ny-ell's, come back to get me, and then go to Ny-ell's again."

Bron frowned. "No."

Now, I frowned as well. "Why not?"

"Because I said no." He answered.

"But that will take longer! If Tal and I left the Castle once it's safe, we would save time."

"No." He repeated.

I was about to argue with him. I even opened my mouth to start a heated debate. But then I remembered the secret weapon that I had.

My hand went upward, softly grazing my Mate's stubbly jaw with my fingers. "Please?" I asked again as I traced his skin.

Bron continued his stare. "No." He answered, but this time his voice was less firm, unsure almost. He was cracking quickly.

I silently watched my hand as it danced lightly over his face, feeling his warm skin under it. For a second or two, I forgot the intent of what I was doing, and simply enjoyed exploring my beautiful Mate.

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