The Adventure

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Ny-ell's face held a wide grin that screamed mischief. "That's right Kitty! You know me so well already. True, you don't have a choice, but oh! will it be fun!"

"F-Fun?" I looked around where we stood. In the woods? Dark, tall and bare trees surrounded us. A large cottage with neighboring cabins was in the distance, ominous smoke pouring from its chimney.

I nervously took a step back, hard twigs and rocks shuffling under the wool socks on my feet. "I have a feeling this will not be fun at all." I told him.

"Come on!" He said as he took off towards the old cottage. The warm glow in the windows told me they were people inside.

And then Ny-ell was running. He left my side and leapt ahead, charging towards the spooky houses in front of us.

"W-Wait for m-" My words stopped in my mouth. Suddenly, we weren't alone. Several dark figures stood before us.

My eyes widened at the recognizable features. Pale. Beautiful. Tall. The eyes. "Vampires." I spoke.

"Busted." Ny-ell whispered as the creatures approached us slowly.

              I rushed back to his side and gripped his arm, "Okay. Now I really, really want to go home." I whispered back.

"How interesting. A fairy and a human girl trespassing onto our territory." One man spoke. His hair was blonde and his eyes almost seemed golden. He examined me head to toe before looking over his shoulder, "I don't recall ordering delivery!"

The others behind him snickered as they examined us.

"Yes, as funny as that is, we actually have business to tend to here!" Ny-ell spoke in a mocking voice and I winced.

The golden eyed man raised a brow, "Business? Tell me Fairy, what business permits such a crime as this? Much less the crime of having a human with you."

Ny-ell paused for a moment, as if thinking. Then he looked back to the vampire, "I don't think I want to tell you."

In a flash, the creature had him pinned to a tree, his pale hand locking around his throat.

"N-No! No, please! Please don't hurt him!" I blurted out the words in a panic.

The man looked to me as he held Ny-ell above the ground by his throat, "Oh? You don't want me to hurt your friend?"

I slowly nodded my head, "Y-Yes.."

            "Well then. The little human has spoken! Who am I to disobey?" He said.

The other vampires laughed at his mocking tone. He continued, "Does tearing out his spine count as hurting him? Or cutting open his gut for my friends here to drink from?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Would you like to watch, little girl? I can do it slowly, so you don't miss anything?" The man teased me as Ny-ell coughed loudly. "Clarence, make her watch."

               A man behind me darted forward, holding my arms behind my back and directing my body to face Ny-ell and the Vampire.

My hands trembled in his painful grasp, "W-We just came to return something! That's all!" I told him frantically.

"Return something? Oh my. Why, that suggests stealing. Fairy, did you steal something from us?"

Ny-ell tried to laugh as his legs dangled in the air. His face was turning pink while the vampire's grip tightened around his neck. "I-I w..would n-never!"

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