The Walk

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It was, in fact, a very long night.

The arrival of Otis made Ny-ell positively giddy. He excitedly hopped around the small man as he spoke, constantly finding an excuse to touch him in some way. Whether the Fairy was holding Otis's hand and tugging him close, or quickly pecking his cheek, he simply just couldn't sit still.

It was quite adorable to watch, aside from Otis's obvious annoyance.

"You.... You arrived through a flower!" I said to him in awe at one point.

Otis fixed his glasses as they slipped down his nose. "Y-Yes. I had to cast m-my portal somewhere discreet. For obvious reasons...."

I smiled at him. This man was too cute! I was beginning to understand a bit of my friend's clear liking for him. His messy curls, oversized glasses, and nervous stutter was all too endearing.

"You casted a portal?! From Mainland?" I asked him excitedly.

Otis frowned as Ny-ell wrapped his long arms around his waist from behind. "I did...." He muttered. Ny-ell rested his chin on Otis's shoulder. "I-I'm a practicing W-Wizard." He said.

Ny-ell cut in, "An extremely powerful Wizard, he means. Ottie here resides in Mainland, like you Kitten."

              My eyebrows rose, "A Wizard?!" I repeated in awe. "Really? Where? Do you live within the Kingdom walls?" I asked him.

              Otis shrugged his shoulders, pushing Ny-ell off of him. "Yes, I-I live within the C-Castle. I work for the Alpha K-King." He explained.

             Ny-ell weaved their fingers together. Otis's cheeks brightened and he scowled at the Fairy, but didn't pull away.

             "Oh wow!" I exclaimed, "I live near the Castle as well! But you reside inside it? Why?"

             "I-I used to live outside the Kingdom walls..." He explained. "B-But someone, has been causing so m-much trouble, that the King has r-requested my services."

             Otis glared at Ny-ell as he spoke. Ny-ell kissed his cheek, and immediately ducked to avoid his swatting hand.

             I frowned, not fully following what he was saying. "The King had you working inside the castle? Doing what?"

            "M-Monitoring the activity between r-realms. Watching who c-crosses in between them a-and how often." He pushed his glasses up on his nose. "This one here," He looked at Ny-ell, "- has b-been bouncing in between the r-realms like crazy!"

              The Fairy smirked.

              My frown deepened. "I have as well. I'm sorry Otis. I didn't know that King Speerburn was using your abilities to track us."

              "I-It's alright... But I will warn you to w-watch yourselves. The King is n-not happy about you A-Annabella." He said. "He knows Supernaturals will travel between realms every once i-in a while, b-but humans doing it is very rare.... He's suspicious of you. A-And I can't lie to him about y-your travels..."

              I nodded my head in thought.

             Otis must have been the 'source' King Speerburn had mentioned... So that's how he knew.

             Eventually we all settled in the kitchen and spoke for a long time. It was quite entertaining to see Ny-ell happily doting on a flustered looking Otis. Many times the Fairy would insist on hand feeding him the yummy treats he had laid out on the table.

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