The Extra Help

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I stayed in his library for a really long time. Three times, Bron had returned and tried to get me to retire to bed. I refused. Each time, he'd growl lowly in frustration at my stubborn defiance. I didn't enjoy being difficult, but I wasn't going to simply comply and do as he pleases.

         The man had stolen me! Again!

This process repeated again and again, which unfortunately explained the crushed potted tree near the door.

I frowned at it. Poor tree.

I stared at the mess he had made from the couch, after Bron slammed the door behind him. He needs to learn to control his wolf. I thought of my Father, and his many lessons with my brothers. He'd always tell them how important it was to learn to control the beast that lived within them.

          Maybe my Father would give King Bron one of those lessons as well.

           Probably not.

            I popped another piece of bread into my mouth. After I continued to refuse going to rest, Bron stomped in here, plopped a plate of warm bread and oil in front of me, and stomped right out.

          I wanted to say thank you, but I was still mad at him. My hold on that anger was slipping, though. It was more shifting into a feeling of distrust.

           The large Grandfather Clock across the room only mocked me. Every time I looked at it, it seemed as though only a minute had gone by. I groaned.

I stood from the couch and began to wander around the large library. It was beautiful, and so strangely designed. I started to explore and shuffled through all of the books, papers, and desks that I saw. A small childish part of me felt guilty for snooping, but could you blame me? I wasn't going to just quietly sit in the cage Bron had forced me into.

            If he was going to keep me here with him, I'd make at least my presence known.

At one point, I found what seemed to be an album of photos. I smiled widely at the pictures of small Bron. He was so cute and little! My smile lessened when I noticed that many of the family or group photos had be torn. Torn in a way that looked like there should have been another person there.

              My mind went to King Speerburn. Was he really Bron's brother? Did he really cast Bron out of Mainland? But how could that have happened? I don't ever recall hearing of King Speerburn having a brother...

              I shut the book and put it back. When I got up to return to the couch, I noticed something. A large wooden frame, just behind the bookcase.

             My eyes widened. That's a door frame.

             A door means a way out. Possibly.

             I pinched my lip in thought and glanced at the door Bron had locked behind him. Taking a little peek wouldn't hurt, right? Again, I didn't want him to think that he could just lock me in a room and that I would just sit nice and quiet for him.

Bron needs to learn to not lock people in rooms.

I placed both of my hands on the side of the shelf and pushed hard. I could immediately tell it was far too heavy. So, I came up with another idea. I got to work of taking all of the books off the shelf, and placing them onto one of the desks. After a few minutes of this, the tall bookcase was bare.

I smiled at my work.

Then I tried pushing the shelf again, and it moved. Maybe only an inch or so, but it still moved! Excitement grew in me as I shuffled the large bookcase slowly to the side.

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