The Maze

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          I rushed down the hauntingly long hallway, searching for a restroom. My stomach churned and spun as I went. I was so focused on not vomiting in the King's hallway, that I didn't even notice my foreign surroundings.

         Once again, the hall's appearance had changed. Now, the painted walls were dark green with gold trim. Mirrors and small side tables lined the eerily long hallway.

I pushed open one of the random doors that all looked the same, and rushed in. Inside was another hallway, smaller and white. On the wall was yet another plain brown door, and I quickly went in.

Don't throw up! Don't throw up!

After going through two more doors in the strange hallways, I finally found a restroom. I dropped to my knees just as my stomach forcefully rejected it's contents.

I coughed for a minute or two, and winced when I finished. Wiping my mouth with a piece of toilet paper, I flushed it down and leaned against the wall.

"G-Goddess...." I muttered to myself, rubbing my head. "Ugh...." I groaned.

Stupid Bron, forcing me to eat too much. And stupid me for continuing!

The nervous knots in my stomach now ached from getting sick. I dragged myself up to my feet and rinsed out my mouth, feeling a little bit relieved. At least I didn't puke on the floor - The King's floor. I blushed at how close I came to doing so.

After fixing myself and cleaning out my mouth once more, I left the bathroom on wobbly legs. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. For the third time now, the hallway in front of me had completely changed. I looked back and forth at each end of the hall.

"Uhhh...." I quietly wondered to myself.

Which way did I come from? This is a completely new hall... Which door did I open?

I furrowed my brows in worry. I needed to get back to that dining room before Bron. I don't know the man, but I do know he wouldn't be too happy to discover my empty seat.

I selected a random door and pulled it open. It revealed a dark red hallway with long walls of identically small brown doors. I frowned and walked in further, examining the doors.

I hesitantly walked along the carpeted hall and opened another random door. This led to a blue hallway, with side tables. I rushed in and pulled open another brown down, finding a white hallway.

My chest tightened in panic as I began to yank open more and more random doors. Every single door would only lead to a hallway. Within the hallways, more brown doors. Brown doors that led to more hallways.

This torturous process continued on as I went. After opening well over twenty doors, tears filled my eyes in frustration and panic. My breathing had quickened and at this point, I was practically running.

My nose began to drip from the involuntary crying. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to get out, and I couldn't just continue on with all of these darn doors forever. My body was tired after vomiting and now I had gotten myself all worked up.

Oh Goddess! Am I going to die here?!

I am, aren't I!

More tears filled up my eyes in frustration and fear. I leaned against one of the walls and slid down, bringing my knees to my chest. Then, a new thought entered my mind.

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