Chapter 23

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As they were rolling down they stop by the end of the hill taking some time to recover from the dizziness they stayed at their spots "agh... Are you guys alright?" dream said standing up "yeah I'm OK" tammy said holding her right arm while Tommy pop his arm out of the bush holding a thumbs up. "so how are we going to get back there?" Tommy said standing up "I don't know" dream said looking up the hill Tammy noticed butterflies passing him  as he turned around he saw a bunch of butterflies coming to their way  "um... Hey dream I think you need to see this" tammy said pointing at the butterflies as dream and tommy turned around a large group of butterfly covered dream as "dream!!" tammy and tommy yelled. As the butterflies scattered away and revealed dream they saw he has an butterfly like wings it was huge it can almost cover his lower body with it. It has green and gold colours as the moon shine through dream they can see him glowing and sparkling with his wings and his a gentle smile as they snap out of their thought "dream can you fly" Tommy jumps into dream "i think so...?" dream said backing up as he try to move his wing and try to fly a couple of minutes he finally learned to fly. "come on we have to get back and get help" dream said Tammy and tommy grab dreams hand and flew up as Tommy and Tammy hold tightly they opened there eyes and they can saw the whole school up there. Dream landed on the roof where they got pushed by Lucy as they landed dreams wings disappear in a blink of an eye. They came down to the first floor to find the school clinic as they were heading there they saw bad and skeppy walking into their direction bad noticed them and immediately runs to them and heal them. "what happened to you guy three muffin heads" bad sitting down with the three "we got pushed" dream said looking down "who pushed you?" skeppy question "it was Lucy she pushed us" tammy said laying her head to dream shoulders "what why would she I'm she's nice to us" bad said still with shock as dream where going to answer bad someone yelled "ahhhhhhhhh!!!". "it's coming from the second floor" skeppy said "let's go" Tommy said they run upstairs and saw the others as they open the door that was the source of the scream they saw Jia and miss Kim laying on the floor surrounded with pool of blood and they also saw Lucy holding scissors with blood stain. Lucy then looked at them and smiled then she turned around and jumped out the window and to the shcool yard Niki heals the two and the other runs out to catch Lucy.


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