Chapter 2

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When the three finally found some other people a teenager with blonde hair with a blue sky like eyed came running towards them. And them he shouted "TECHNO!! SAPNAP!! ILLUMINA!! GUYS THERE HERE!!!" the child shouted. "Shut up Tommy your super Lound" said someone "yeah yeah whatever quackity" Tommy said while rolling his eyes. "Where have you all been?" said Tommy "well we were at that creepy looking forest over there" Illumina answered while pointing at the direction where the forest is. "I see.. Will since your here now come with us Philza is hilding a meeting on what's going on" puffy said. As they walk to the rest of the group was as they got closer they saw George,Philza,Sam,Tubbo,Ranbo,Willbur,Fundy, Punz, Badboyhalo,skeppy,Karl,Niki,quakity, antfrost and eret.

Philza's PoV
"So anyone who have any clue what is going on now?" I said looking around no one speak they don't have any clue on what's going on. "ok so-" I got cut off by someone shouting "Hello? Anyone here?!". With a raspyy and cute voice?... When the mysterious person finally revealed himself it was "Dream!!?" they all shouted. While Dream jolted by the sudden shout we were also shock to see Dream's face without his mask he had an emerald mix with ruby eyes pink cherry lips and frinkle dust across his checks and his dirty blonde hair (pls don't mind the spellings :3)


"Umm...Hi...?... Are you guys OK?" Dream said.While tilting his head a little making him look cute the other snap out of there minds while the others admired him. 'I know his a villain but why is he this cute?' though Sam and Quakity 'what the hell I know dream for a long time but I didn't know his this cute?' thought Techno, Sapnap, George,Willbur, and Illumina 'OMG I didn't know that my fiance(is this the spelling of it?) is this cute' though fundy while having a nose bleed and then fainted afterwards. Making them panicked "ahhhh fundy fainted!!" tubbo yelled.

After a minute of silence Dream finally broke the silence "S-so anyone know why where here?" he said " well nether all of us knows why where here" puffy answers. "oh ok" dream replyed then fundy got up "ow... My head hurts what happened?" fundy questioned "well you fainted out of nowhere" Sam answered. "oh right haha" fundy said while letting out an awkward laugh "oh by the way Dream you look cute without your mask on" bad said in a happy voice "T-thank u bad" dream replied.


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