Chapter 10

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"how did you find us?" asked dream "u-uh well Niki asked us to find you and tommy" replied willbur, dream nod. The group was walking in the hallway when they stumbled upon Jia and Ms Kim who has scars all over. "Jia?" said Tammy "what happened?" Tammy questioned. "the lost souls attack again" Jia added "yeah we got attacked too" Tammy said "what are you talking about?" fundy question. "I'll explain when we get to the others" miss Kim replies "what happened to him?" Jia questions "I knocked him out" said Tommy proudly "eh?! Why??" Jia questions tommy "well- i-it's a secret" said Tommy looking away "ok then" Jia added.

Ranboo PoV
We were waiting to the others to came back I heard Philza say "were are they" he was very worried. Then the door behind me opened and saw dream, unconscious quackity, willbur and the  others behind them. "their here" I said loud enough to them to hear "oh where were you guys we are very worried you know and what happened to him?" Lucy runs up to them. "don't worry it I unly knock him out with my shield" Tommy said and his proud about it. "why" I asked Tommy when silent for a second "t-that's a secret" Tommy said while looking away from me "alright?" I added dream and willbur already put down quackity on the lined disks while while Lucy put quackitys head onto her lap.

Niki's PoV
I let the boys rest on the free chairs and and heald Jia and miss Kim I saw Tommy and dream walk out the room I followed them on where their going. They were at the end of the corner in the hallway then I heard Tommy said "dream I I'm sorry for everything" he said while holding his tears "what are you talking about?" dream asked. "you know what I mean dream I-I should have spread bad rumours about you and call you names and blame you from the mistakes that I did I should have done that i'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm the one who should be in the prison" i saw Tommy said while crying "hey its OK I don't blame you for everything, so don't cry" dream said "but- *sniff* well you forgive me?"asked Tommy" of course you idiot" said dream while hugging Tommy. "don't worry dream I promise to protect you no matter what" Tommy hug back "haha alright big guy" dream said before they get back to the room I went first and thought to myself 'not a word to the other and maybe I should tell Puffy what I feel for her maybe next time'


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