Chapter 14

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Dreams PoV
It's been 1 year…joke… it's actually 1 week since we've been here and it's peaceful actually just like I wanted for a long time and everyone apologized for their wrong doings to me but I didn't blame them and Ms Kim, Jia,tammy,and Lucy explained the ghost that was attacking us. Also Puffy and Niki are now lovers, Im jealous I wish I have a lover well I still like George but as a friend besides George the other boys are really acting weird lately or is it just my imagination cause I've been in that jail for 3 years. But I think don't think much about it skeppy also told me that he's going to tell bad about his feelings today. Damn I'm super jealous now I just wish, I Wish, well I do have a little crush on Ms Kim I mean she's beautiful woman but not she's not really that my tape I'm just inspired by her beauty. And also I named the butterfly's the yellow one is Sunrise, the blue one is Midnight and the red one is Sunset and yes they are still following me where ever I go there so cute, Tommy and Tammy are still fighting  but they always understand each other if it's something to do protecting me or something involves me but I won't mind them they did promise tho. I also noticed that Lucy is kind of avoiding me i don't know if she's angry or mad at me, she's also beautiful I think the others might fall in love on her by now I mean she's nice beautiful. Then I heard someone talking at the back of the school I saw skeppy and bad at the window I think Skeppys gonna tell bad finally about time.

Skeppys PoV
I was leading bad behind the school so no one can disturb us "come on bad your so slow" I whined 'damn he's cute' I thought looking away from him to hide my blush. "ok I'm here what do you need?" bad said "finally" I whined again "hey bad" I asked "yes?what is it skeppy?" bas asked. I then grabbed bad by his shoulders with my hands then without thinking I kissed him after a couple of seconds we break "bad I love you and I want you to be mine only" I said staring to bads face blushing. "I-I" bad hesitate to answer I feel bad but then he kissed my cheek "I love to skeppy" said bad smiling I blushed I want to take  for a another kiss but bads hand blocked my face saying. "you can have you second kiss later" "what noooooo I can't wait to later what about now?" I whined "no skeppy" bad said walking back to the school hallways "k fine" I pouted following him.

After the event dreams insides were screaming with joy because of his friend getting a lover by the time he stands up he saw someone behind him in the reflection of the window. "herboraine?" when he got to turn around no one's there "guess its just my imagination" he whispered then *russle* "dream there you are we've been looking for you don't vanishe like that to us ever again" Tammy said walking up to me following tommy "yeah she is right you know" Tommy follow. "haha sorry about that I won't do that again if it's necessary to do I will" dream said with and awkward smile "hey I'm gonna go" dream said scaping the two "and were are you going?" Tammy slammed her hand in the desk breaking it in half. "I I am going to hangout with t-techno y-yeah that's it" dream said terrified. "hmmm ok fine but we're watching you" said Tommy "o-ok g-got to go now bye" dream runs out the room.

{pls don't mind the wrong spellings}


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