Chapter 11

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??? POV

Ten hours ago

Is this a dream..?

Too much blood.

Why is my mouth leaking?

So many thoughts and questions popped up in her head, she was hurting.
She arrived in a black void, confused on where she is. Her mouth leaked with black substance, while her eyes slowly turned pitch black with two white pinpoints. The iron taste in her mouth mixes with the merlot, the black liquid leaks out of her mouth, covering her shirt.

It's starting to hurt

She fells excruciating pain from her throat, like it's going to burst open. She felt like she was going to die.

She saw something, her vision became clearer and suddenly woke up. She looked around the place, breathing heavily. She was in a pink and red stained room, with weapons hanging on the wall. As well as torture objects on the counter. She gasped and already knew what her fate would be, dead in a ditch where nobody could find her. She thought the worst possible things. Suddenly, she hears footsteps heading to the room she was in. A elevated girl came inside, she had short straight hair with 2 huge strips of hair in the front, she looked like an insane schoolgirl. "Do you know how long I wanted to beat the shit out of your ass?" The girl started blushing hysterically, skipped over to the weapons and carefully picked which one she would kill her with. "Oooh, your gonna be in a fucked up time, hehe~" she cooed. As the girl was tall, she had no problem to get the chainsaw from the top. "Now would you mind, spilling a little information?" The girl asked. The chainsaw revved up, making a loud motorcycle sound. The girl on the ground couldn't move, liquid kept spilling and she couldn't speak. She was scared, fuck SHE WAS TERRIFIED. She thought she's gonna die and perish. "Your name is Emi, right?"
I don't remember my name
"Now you better spill how you got that info or or whole body is gonna spill with blood, kinda like that mouth of yours!" She mocked. The girl slowly touched her arm with the chainsaw, spreading blood everywhere. "AAAAAAAH-" Emi finally screamed.

Meanwhile, Benny was being brought to a room to be interrogated.

Emi kept screaming while the girl smiled in pleasure. Moments after, Emi stopped screaming, trying to bare the pain. The girl blushed and squealed in excitement. The girl started getting angry"JUST TELL ME YOU DUMB FUCK" then the girl immediately smashed the chainsaw on her leg, tearing it apart. Emi started endlessly screaming again, crying black liquid. Emi couldn't handle this anymore, and she finally said "kill me" The girls face had a surprised look, then smiled and reached out for a sharp knife. The girl started blushing, soon her whole face was covered in pinky red blush. "Also before you die, my name is Melonie!" She said excitedly. She reached her hand out to her neck, but a voice interrupted her.

"Stop," Leo said. "We need her to tell us where your brother is. What's his name again?" They asked. "It doesn't matter what his name is." She snapped. Leo just looked bored. "Just remember to tell me if you have any new patients!" Melanie sang.

Emi truly did not know anybody related to this bitch. Emi barely knew anyone to be honest. But if these people needed Melanie's brother, it couldn't be for a good reason.

Emi had a feeling that she knew why she was here. Leo and Vikus hated Glitches and would stop at no cost to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Leo left with a pathetic look towards Emi.

Melanie looked towards the little girl as well with a crazy gaze and insane silence

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Melanie looked towards the little girl as well with a crazy gaze and insane silence. She tossed the chain saw on Emi and slammed the door behind her.

Emi winced from the chainsaw colliding on her head but breathed a shaky sigh of relief that Melanie was gone. The pain in her leg and arm were unbearable. She lifted her head with great effort and glanced at her leg in the dim light. She threw up. It was terrifying. Emi wouldn't be able to walk ever again. Now people would normally die from this because they lost so much blood. Well Emi had lost a lot a blood, just look on the floor. But a few years back Leo had injected each prisoner with a special serum to make sure they wouldn't die from blood loss. "Oh fuck them all." She thought. "I'm going to kill them all." Emi let her eyes flutter close as the world disappeared around her. She would definitely not get up anytime soon.

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