Chapter 1

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He felt tired.

So tired that he almost couldn't breathe. He layed down on his bed and closed his eyes slowly. Today was a rough day, he thought. He looked at his hand and covered it with a white glove. Glitches were appearing.

He got up, made some food and took a breather outside. The wind was chilly and the streets were crowded. So many people, he thought.

He walked and walked and all he saw was trash and people everywhere. No matter he just kept on walking.

After walking for 30 minutes, he heard shouting from an alleyway. '' MoonCake, where are you!'' The person called. ''MoonCake?..MoonCake-e!'' The person yelled. The person was walking out of the alleyway saying ''oh Mo-onCake, I was so worried abo-ut you.'' He observed the persons appearance, the person seem to have their whole body covered in glitches, even their voice has glitches.

The dog jumped out of the glitchy persons arms and started barking at him. It caught him by surprise. ''Oh, I'm s-orry, I don't know wh-y she's acting like th-is'' the glitchy person apologized. He knew exactly why. ''It's alright'' he told the person. The glitchy person gave the dog a treat, calming him down.

The person looked at him, ''My names Avalon, what ab-out yours?'' Avalon asked. He flustered. "My names Benny." Benny answered.

1 day later

Benny got Avalon's number and called Benny when he was getting ready for bed. Benny ignored it and texted her that he is sleeping.

Benny thought a lot about Avalon, like how she was glitching 24/7. Now that Benny is thinking about it, is Avalon even human anymore, and is he turning into a glitch!?

While in background, someone has been stalking Benny for a long time and no one has noticed.

(Sorry for such a short page)

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